Talk:Ages of consent in Europe
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Please note: This article is striving to be as accurate as possible and as such all information in the article must be referenced and dated. If you add or alter information to the article without proper referencing it will most likely be reverted. Most areas need updating, you are most welcome to contribute ! See the main article's discussion page for more information.
Required format for information is as follows:
- Country/State name
- Age of Consent information including discussion of relevant statutes, case law or other authority
- Citation of statutes etc and link to online copy if possible (not necessarily in English)
Contents |
[edit] Lithuania
The criminal code of Lithuania was changed some years ago. The link is not up to date anymore. Here the official link to the criminal code:
Can anyone find the relevant articles in the text and translate them?
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The age of consent in Lithuania is 14, as specified by the Lithuanian Criminal Code §142.
Lithuanian Criminal Code (in Lithuanian)
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this isn't quite correct. Article 142 of Lithuanian Criminal Code deals with breach of a copyright, not with age of consent.
"142 straipsnis. Autorystės teisės pasisavinimas" "142 article. authorship right appropriation"
the relevant part for possible AOC laws is the 13. part of the Lithuanian CC:
"Treciasis skirsnis 13. part
Nusikaltimai asmens gyvybei, sveikatai, laisvei ir orumui crimes individual life, health, freedom and dignity"
Up to now, there I could not find any law that would prohibit consensual sexual relations with minors - except they are abused by an authority like the parents (article 125).
So it seems that it's still correct that there is no explicit age of consent in Lithuania.
--- snap ---
[edit] Belarus
Relevant extract of the Criminal Code: Belarus Criminal Code (in Russian)
[edit] Russian extract of the Criminal Code of Belarus
Глава 20 Преступления против половой неприкосновенности или половой свободы Статья 166. Изнасилование 1. Половое сношение вопреки воле потерпевшей с применением насилия или с угрозой его применения к женщине или ее близким либо с использованием беспомощного состояния потерпевшей (изнасилование) - наказывается ограничением свободы на срок до четырех лет или лишением свободы на срок от трех до семи лет. 2. Изнасилование, совершенное повторно, либо группой лиц, либо лицом, ранее совершившим действия, предусмотренные статьей 167 настоящего Кодекса, либо изнасилование заведомо несовершеннолетней - наказывается лишением свободы на срок от пяти до двенадцати лет. 3. Изнасилование заведомо малолетней или изнасилование, повлекшее по неосторожности смерть потерпевшей, либо причинение тяжких телесных повреждений, либо заражение ВИЧ-инфекцией, либо иные тяжкие последствия, - наказывается лишением свободы на срок от восьми до пятнадцати лет. Статья 167. Насильственные действия сексуального характера 1. Мужеложство, лесбиянство или иные действия сексуального характера, совершенные вопреки воле потерпевшего (потерпевшей) с применением насилия или с угрозой его применения либо с использованием беспомощного состояния потерпевшего (потерпевшей), - наказываются ограничением свободы на срок до четырех лет или лишением свободы на срок от трех до семи лет. 2. Те же действия, совершенные повторно, либо лицом, ранее совершившим изнасилование, либо группой лиц, либо в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего (несовершеннолетней), - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от пяти до двенадцати лет. 3. Действия, предусмотренные частями первой или второй настоящей статьи, совершенные в отношении заведомо малолетнего (малолетней), либо повлекшие по неосторожности смерть потерпевшего (потерпевшей), либо причинение тяжких телесных повреждений, либо заражение ВИЧ-инфекцией, либо иные тяжкие последствия, - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от восьми до пятнадцати лет. Статья 168. Половое сношение и иные действия сексуального характера с лицом, не достигшим шестнадцатилетнего возраста Половое сношение, мужеложство, лесбиянство или иные действия сексуальногохарактера,совершенныелицом,достигшим восемнадцатилетнего возраста, с лицом, заведомо не достигшим шестнадцатилетнего возраста, при отсутствии признаков преступлений, предусмотренных статьями 166 и 167 настоящего Кодекса, - наказываются ограничением свободы на срок от двух до четырех лет или лишением свободы на срок от двух до пяти лет. (В редакции Закона Республики Беларусь от 4 мая 2005 г. - Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, 2005 г., № 74, 2/1112.) Статья 169. Развратные действия 1. Развратные действия, совершенные лицом, достигшим восемнадцатилетнего возраста, в отношении лица, заведомо не достигшего шестнадцатилетнего возраста, при отсутствии признаков преступлений, предусмотренных статьями 166, 167 и 168 настоящего Кодекса, - наказываются арестом на срок до шести месяцев или лишением свободы на срок от одного года до трех лет. 2. Те же действия, совершенные с применением насилия или с угрозой его применения, - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от трех до шести лет. (В редакции Законов Республики Беларусь от 4 января 2003 г. и 4 мая 2005 г. - Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, 2003 г., № 8, 2/922; 2005 г., № 74, 2/1112.) Статья 170. Понуждение к действиям сексуального характера 1. Понуждение лица к половому сношению, мужеложству, лесбиянству или совершению иных действий сексуального характера путем шантажа, угрозы уничтожением, повреждением или изъятием имущества либо с использованием служебной, материальной или иной зависимости потерпевшего (потерпевшей) - наказывается ограничением свободы на срок до трех лет или лишением свободы на тот же срок. 2. То же действие, совершенное в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего (несовершеннолетней), - наказывается лишением свободы на срок от трех до шести лет. (В редакции Закона Республики Беларусь от 4 мая 2005 г. - Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, 2005 г., № 74, 2/1112.) Статья 171. Использование занятия проституцией или создание условий для занятия проституцией 1. Использование занятия проституцией другим лицом либо предоставление с корыстной целью помещения (места) лицом, заведомо знавшим, что это помещение (место) будет использовано для занятия проституцией, или организация и (или) содержание притона для занятия проституцией при отсутствии признаков более тяжкого преступления - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от трех до пяти лет. 2. Те же действия, сопряженные с вывозом за пределы государства лица для занятия проституцией, либо совершенные должностным лицом с использованием своих служебных полномочий, либо лицом, ранее совершившим преступления, предусмотренные настоящей статьей, статьями 171-1 или 181 настоящего Кодекса, либо с использованием для занятия проституцией заведомо несовершеннолетнего, либо совершенные организованной группой, - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от семи до десяти лет с конфискацией имущества. (В редакции Закона Республики Беларусь от 4 мая 2005 г. - Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, 2005 г., № 74, 2/1112.) Статья 171-1. Вовлечение в занятие проституцией либо принуждение к продолжению занятия проституцией 1. Вовлечение в занятие проституцией либо принуждение к продолжению занятия проституцией - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от одного года до трех лет. 2. Те же действия, совершенные повторно, либо с применением насилия или с угрозой его применения, либо лицом, ранее совершившим преступления, предусмотренные статьями 171 или 181 настоящего Кодекса, либо лицом, достигшим восемнадцатилетнего возраста, в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего, - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от трех до пяти лет. 3. Действия, предусмотренные частями 1 или 2 настоящей статьи, совершенные родителем, педагогом или иным лицом, на которое возложены обязанности по воспитанию несовершеннолетнего, в отношении заведомо несовершеннолетнего либо организованной группой, - наказываются лишением свободы на срок от семи до десяти лет. (Введена Законом Республики Беларусь от 4 мая 2005 г. - Национальный реестр правовых актов Республики Беларусь, 2005 г., № 74, 2/1112.)
[edit] (provisionally) english translation of the Belarus Criminal Code extract
Chapter(Head) 20 Crimes against sexual inviolability or sexual freedom Clause(Article) 166. Rape 1. The sexual relations contrary to will of the victim with application of violence or over threat of its(his) application to the woman or its(her) relatives or with use of a helpless condition sufferred (rape) - is punished by restriction of freedom for the term of till four years or imprisonment for the term of from three till seven years. 2. The rape accomplished repeatedly, either group of persons(faces), or the person(face) who earlier has made actions, stipulated by clause(article) 167 of the present(true) Code, or rape obviously minor - is punished by imprisonment for the term of from five till twelve years. 3. Rape obviously juvenile or the rape which has entailed on imprudence death of the victim, or causing of heavy physical injuries, either infection of a HIV-infection, or other heavy consequences,- It is punished by imprisonment for the term of from eight till fifteen years. Clause(Article) 167. Violent actions of sexual character 1. Мужеложство (=sodomy), лесбиянство (=lesbian acts) or other actions of sexual character accomplished contrary to will of the victim (victim) with application of violence or with threat of its(his) application or with use of a helpless condition of the victim (victim), - are punished by restriction of freedom for the term of till four years or imprisonment for the term of from three till seven years. 2. The same actions accomplished repeatedly, or the person(face) who earlier has made rape, or group of persons(faces), or concerning obviously minor (minor),- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from five till twelve years. 3. The actions stipulated by parts of first or second present(true) clause(article), accomplished(perfect,absolute) concerning obviously juvenile (juvenile), or entailed on imprudence death of the victim (victim), or causing of heavy physical injuries, either infection of a HIV-infection, or other heavy consequences,- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from eight till fifteen years. Clause(Article) 168. The sexual relations and other actions of sexual character with the person(face) who has not reached(achieved) шестнадцатилетнего (=16-year) age The sexual relations, мужеложство (=sodomy), лесбиянство (=lesbian acts) or other actions сексуальногохарактера (=of sexual character), совершенныелицом (=adult), reached(achieved) eighteen-year age, with the person(face) who obviously has not reached(achieved) шестнадцатилетнего (=16-year) age, at absence of attributes of the crimes stipulated by clauses(articles) 166 and 167 present(true) Codes,- Are punished by restriction of freedom for the term of from two till four years or imprisonment for the term of from two till five years. (in edition of the Law of Byelorussia from May, 4th, 2005 - the National register of legal certificates(acts) of Byelorussia, 2005, № 74, 2/1112.) Clause(Article) 169. Dissolute actions 1. The dissolute actions accomplished by the person(face), reached(achieved) eighteen-year age, concerning the person(face) who obviously have not reached(achieved) шестнадцатилетнего (=16-year) age, at absence of attributes of the crimes stipulated by clauses(articles) 166, 167 and 168 present(true) Codes,- Are punished by arrest for the term of about six months or imprisonment for the term of from one year till three years. 2. The same actions accomplished with application of violence or with threat of its(his) application,- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from three till six years. (in edition of Laws of Byelorussia from January, 4th, 2003 and on May, 4th, 2005 - the National register of legal certificates(acts) of Byelorussia, 2003, № 8, 2/922; 2005, № 74, 2/1112.) Clause(Article) 170. Compulsion to actions of sexual character 1. Compulsion of the person(face) to the sexual relations, мужеложству (=sodomy), лесбиянству (=lesbian acts) or to fulfilment of other actions of sexual character by blackmail, threat by destruction, damage or withdrawal of property or with use of service, material or other dependence of the victim (victim) - is punished by restriction of freedom for the term of till three years or imprisonment for the same term. 2. The same action accomplished concerning obviously minor (minor),- It is punished by imprisonment for the term of from three till six years. (in edition of the Law of Byelorussia from May, 4th, 2005 - the National register of legal certificates(acts) of Byelorussia, 2005, № 74, 2/1112.) Clause(Article) 171. Use of employment(occupation) by prostitution or creation of conditions for employment(occupation) by prostitution 1. Use of employment(occupation) by prostitution by other person(face) or granting with the mercenary purpose of a premise(room) (place) the person(face) obviously known, that this premise(room) (place) will be used for employment(occupation) by prostitution, either the organization and (or) the maintenance(contents) of a brothel for employment(occupation) by prostitution at absence of attributes more grave crime - are punished by imprisonment for the term of from three till five years. 2. The same actions interfaced(integrated) to export for limits of the state of the person(face) for employment(occupation) by prostitution, or accomplished by the official with use of the service powers, or the person(face) who earlier has made crimes, stipulated by the present(true) clause(article), clauses(articles) 171-1 or 181 present(true) Codes, or with use for employment(occupation) by prostitution obviously minor, or accomplished by the organized group,- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from seven till ten years with confiscation of property. (in edition of the Law of Byelorussia from May, 4th, 2005 - the National register of legal certificates(acts) of Byelorussia, 2005, № 74, 2/1112.) Clause(Article) 171-1. Involving in employment(occupation) by prostitution or compulsion to continuation of employment(occupation) by prostitution 1. Involving in employment(occupation) by prostitution or compulsion to continuation of employment(occupation) by prostitution - are punished by imprisonment for the term of from one year till three years. 2. The same actions accomplished repeatedly, either with application of violence or over threat of its(his) application, or the person(face) who earlier has made crimes, stipulated by clauses(articles) 171 or 181 present(true) Codes, or the person(face) who has reached(achieved) eighteen-year age, concerning obviously minor,- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from three till five years. 3. The actions stipulated by parts of 1 or 2 present(true) clauses(articles), accomplished by the parent, the teacher or other person(face) to which duties on education of the minor are assigned, concerning obviously minor or the organized group,- Are punished by imprisonment for the term of from seven till ten years. (it is entered by the Law of Byelorussia from May, 4th, 2005 - the National register of legal certificates(acts) of Byelorussia, 2005, № 74, 2/1112.)
[edit] Conclusion
The age of consent therefore is 16 years in Belarus.
[edit] United Kingdom
I can't find a cite from a government page, but Northern Ireland has an age of consent of 17 for hetero- and homosexual sex. I added a cite from the BBC to the general Age of consent talk page, [[1]] -- Alastairward 24 March 2006
- I've found the section of the Northern Irish act that seems to be the appropriate law here. However we really need someone who is familiar with the legal system in the UK. Does a UK statute over ride an English, Welsh, Scottish or Northern Ireland one? For example how does this Scottish Law fit in with things? --Monotonehell 07:50, 25 March 2006 (UTC)
- The Sexual Offences act (2003) was consulted upon and accepted into Scottish Law. The above law was superseded. --Brideshead 12:50, 25 March 2006 (UTC)
- Ah very good, it seems that the Welsh have also adopted the 16 AoC but N.Ire have not. Thanks --Monotonehell 02:23, 26 March 2006 (UTC)
- The Sexual Offences act (2003) was consulted upon and accepted into Scottish Law. The above law was superseded. --Brideshead 12:50, 25 March 2006 (UTC)
The United Kingdom has three seperate legal jurisdictions - England & Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (there is no seperate UK jurisdiction). The law can vary between the three. The Parliament of the United Kingdom (the one at London) can make law for all three jurisdictions - either seperately or simultaneously - or just one or two of them. All statutes passed by the UK Parliament are known as Acts of Parliament. Acts apply throughout the UK, unless they specify that they don't. (The Sexual Offences Act 2003 generally only applies to England & Wales, although certain sections apply to Northern Ireland and some to Scotland (see s142 [2]).)
The Scottish Parliament can make law for Scotland - known as Acts of the Scottish Parliament - albeit only in certain fields, though including the criminal law. They apply only to Scotland. There have been various institutions over the years in Northern Ireland that were able to make law for Northern Ireland, and those statutes have been known by different names (Acts, Measures etc).
Before the Kingdoms of England and of Scotland were united to form the UK, they had their own Parliaments, which had passed their own Acts. Some of these are still in force, although the number declines every year as they get repealed, and are known as Acts of the Parliament of Scotland and Acts of the Parliament of England.
All Acts, regardless of which Parliament they come from, are deemed of equal 'weight', and are just subject to the usual rule that later statutes override earlier ones. (The dominance of the UK one is based on the fact that the Sottish Parliament, and Northern Ireland equivalents, cannot pass statues that affect the power of the UK one to legislate, although the reverse is not the case.)
Simple really. :) - Cuddlyopedi, 14 April 2006.
- LOL! Yes perfectly simple, once you know. Thank you this makes it much more clear. So do you think the article needs any editing? --Monotonehell 10:07, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] France
I'm unsure about the section on France here. The translated text reads "Sexual acts committed ... on a minor aged over fifteen..." I've checked the original French text which reads...
"Article 227-27 (Ordonnance nº 2000-916 du 19 septembre 2000 art. 3 Journal Officiel du 22 septembre 2000 en vigueur le 1er janvier 2002)
Les atteintes sexuelles sans violence, contrainte, menace ni surprise sur un mineur âgé de plus de quinze ans et non émancipé par le mariage sont punies de deux ans d'emprisonnement et de 30000 euros d'amende :
- 1º Lorsqu'elles sont commises par un ascendant légitime, naturel ou adoptif ou par toute autre personne ayant autorité sur la victime ;
- 2º Lorsqu'elles sont commises par une personne qui abuse de l'autorité que lui confèrent ses fonctions."
Which also translates to "over 15". My French is less than schoolboy in compentency, is this a loss in translation or is this article regarding acts on those aged 15 to majority? --Monotonehell 01:48, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
- Yes, you're absolutely correct. My mistake. A better provision would be Article 227-25 which reads: "The commission without violence, constraint, threat or surprise of a sexual offence by an adult on the person of a minor under fifteen years of age is punished by five years' imprisonment and a fine of €75,000."
- I shall update that entry! Chid12 12.57am, 19th April 2006
- Very good, I must state again that your work here has been stellar! Second question: How does the French law define an adult? Does this law mean that it is not illegal for a minor to have intercourse with another minor under 15? That would be an interesting sidenote for this section. --Monotonehell 22:31, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
It seems that there's a mistake about the removal of the ban of homosexuality in France. AFAIK, it was removed during Mitterand's presidency in 1981 or 1982. Please have a look at (in French) and also to (French & English). Look for the removal of the article 332-1 form the code pénal.
- The history section does say that the final inequity was removed in 1981. What is it that you are disputing? --Monotonehell 16:07, 28 August 2006 (UTC)
- As far as I know, homosexuality was banned before 1981, it wasn't just inequity. I can hardly imagine that there was an allowed age for homosexual relations in France in 1942, I've heard many times that it was Mitterand who removed the ban in 1981, and the links I provided tend to show that. That's why I think a correction may be necessary.
- Well if you're sure of the fact and can show a source (preferably in english) go ahead and fix it! :) --Monotonehell 03:16, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
- I finally checked the facts on fr.soc.homosexualite newsgroup, and the content of Wikipedia is accurate, although some interesting facts may be added (currently discussed in the newsgroup). Sorry for my mistake.
- Me again. I found this link, in French, that shows that there are indeed many inacurracies in the part concerning France (my initial claim was also false) : [3]. If one day I find the courage to bring necessary corrections this will be good, but otherwise I let here my source so others can also verify it.
- I finally checked the facts on fr.soc.homosexualite newsgroup, and the content of Wikipedia is accurate, although some interesting facts may be added (currently discussed in the newsgroup). Sorry for my mistake.
- Well if you're sure of the fact and can show a source (preferably in english) go ahead and fix it! :) --Monotonehell 03:16, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
- As far as I know, homosexuality was banned before 1981, it wasn't just inequity. I can hardly imagine that there was an allowed age for homosexual relations in France in 1942, I've heard many times that it was Mitterand who removed the ban in 1981, and the links I provided tend to show that. That's why I think a correction may be necessary.
[edit] Hungary
Similarly to France above, the Hungarian translation reads "...sexual intercourse with a person who has not yet completed his 14th year..." Does this mean 15? --Monotonehell 02:03, 18 April 2006 (UTC)
No, this means 14. Your first year is from age 0 to 1, your second year from 1 to 2 and so forth. Your fourteenth year therefore ends when you reach the age of 14, then you can have sex legally in Hungary!
Chid12 01.00am, 19th April 2006.
- You know I sat here and did that math, then I wrote it on a piece of paper and came to completely the wrong conclusion. It's the little things that get me, like daylight saving LOL. --Monotonehell 22:30, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Images or something
This is turning into a really long document. I felt it was best to try and get as thorough a page as possible. I can't find anything on the internet on the age of consent which is regularly kept up to date. Most lists and things seem a little dated. The best I could find was that EU document but that only deals with EU nations. In any case, I think this presents an opportunity for wikipedia to take a lead and keep a thorough and up-to-date database on it all, collating info from many sources.
Anyway, it all means that the page is rather long and a bit dull. Do you reckon we could add some images or something? There are pictures online of protestors campaigning for an equal age of consent in those nations where it is/was inequal... there's also that picture of the kid jumping off the hay you had which I think is cool, monotonehell.
Any ideas anyone?
Chid12 7.23pm, 21 April 2006
- LOL! Don't remind me of the picture fiasco. I love that pic. It seems that we need to find a picture that is very literal and relavent otherwise someone will revert it. Wikimedia hasn't been much help. Perhaps when we get the text sorted out we can think of layout. --Monotonehell 10:17, 22 April 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Bulgaria
In the link given as a source for the age of consent in Bulgaria, it is specified that the age of consent is 14, not 16 as the entry for Bulgaria here says. The age of 16 is mentioned there in the context of pornography - namely, it is a criminal offence to create, sell or in any way propagate pornography featuring persons below 16 years of age.
- My reading of the act leads me to the following...
- Article 149 of the Bulgarian Criminal Code prohibits an "...act in order to arouse or satisfy a sexual desire without a copulation regarding a person who has not accomplished 14 years..." Article 151 prohibits copulation "with a person who has not accomplished 14 years of age" and also has a provision for punishment if the underage victim does not understand the characteristic or the importance of the act of fornication.
- Article 157 (2) prohibits "...homosexual activities with a person under 16 years of age." and also has a provision for punishment if the underage victim does not understand the characteristic or the importance of the 'homosexual activities'. It is worth pointing out the the following provisions of article 157 prohibit 'open or scandalous homosexual activities' or the 'incitement' of others to perform such acts.
- The age of consent in Bulgaria is therefore 14 for heterosexual acts and 16 for homosexual acts.
- Does this sound right to everyone? If so I'll update the entry. --Monotonehell 03:56, 30 April 2006 (UTC)
- Actually, the English translation is of the version from 2002; article 157., paragraphs (2) and (3) were ammended in 2004 (as seen in the Bulgarian version, which is from 2005) and the age of consent is now 14 for both homosexual and heterosexual sex. If you don't know Bulgarian, just look at the numbers in the Bulgarian version; it's 14, and you can also see there it was last ammended in 2004. Also, Paragraph (4) was removed. --
- Ah thank you, that's something else we need to make note of. So if I just change the aove to read 14 in both cases would that still be correct or were there more changes to the Code? --Monotonehell 13:57, 30 April 2006 (UTC)
- I already changed it to just 14, no more changes with regard to age of consent. Maybe the 16 years of age limit for pornography can be mentioned too, or the fact that until recently it was 16 for homosexual sex (under History)?
- Ah thank you, that's something else we need to make note of. So if I just change the aove to read 14 in both cases would that still be correct or were there more changes to the Code? --Monotonehell 13:57, 30 April 2006 (UTC)
- Actually, the English translation is of the version from 2002; article 157., paragraphs (2) and (3) were ammended in 2004 (as seen in the Bulgarian version, which is from 2005) and the age of consent is now 14 for both homosexual and heterosexual sex. If you don't know Bulgarian, just look at the numbers in the Bulgarian version; it's 14, and you can also see there it was last ammended in 2004. Also, Paragraph (4) was removed. --
[edit] Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
I've moved this to the talk page until we can get some clarification. The legislation pointed to by the link below hints that a "child" is one who has not reached 14 years (Article 71). It talks about statutory rape of a child at Section 188 and 189(2) prohibits sex with a guardian, teacher or etc.
BUT have it set at 16/16/16.
We need a better source.
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The age of consent in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is not entirely clear. The Criminal Code, Article 188, reads: "A person who commits statutory rape or some other sexual act upon a child shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to five years. but "child" is not defined.
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonian Criminal Code
[edit] Malta clarification
[edit] Malta
The age of consent in Malta is 12.
198. Whosoever shall, by violence, have carnal knowledge of a person of either sex, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term from three to nine years, with or without solitary confinement.
201. Unlawful carnal knowledge and any other indecent assault, shall be presumed to be accompanied with violence - (a) when it is committed on any person under twelve years of age
202. The punishment prescribed for any of the crimes referred to in the preceding articles of this sub-title, shall be increased by one degree in each of the following cases: (g) when the person carnally known has not completed the age of nine years.
203. (1) Whosoever, by lewd acts, defiles a minor of either sex, shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, with or without solitary confinement:
Aggravating circumstances:
Provided that the offence shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term from three to six years, with or without solitary confinement, in each of the following cases: (a) if the offence is committed on a person who has not completed the age of twelve years, or with violence; (b) if the offence is committed by means of threats or deceit; (c) if the offence is committed by any ascendant by consanguinity or affinity, or by the adoptive father or mother, or by the tutor of the minor, or by any other person charged, even though temporarily, with the care, education, instruction, control or custody of the minor.
- "carnal knowlege" (=penetration?) by violence is punishable. However any other actions that are not mentioned in the CC, are not.
- if the "carnal knowledge" is commited to a person under 12 years of age, then it is to be regarded as a "carnal knowlege" by violence
- there is no other age mentioned in the CC, except for "carnal knwoledge" with a minor under 18 years who is under the authority of the criminal.
==> the AOC is 12.
I've moved the Maltese section here until we can discover a good source to cite. What we have here now borders on original research or personal interpretation. What we need here is a difinitive interpretation of the law. have Malta listed at 18. --Monotonehell 09:49, 2 June 2006 (UTC)
The age of consent in Malta is often thought to be 12, because as specified by the Maltese Criminal Code, Section 201 (Presumption of violence in cases of carnal knowledge and indecent assault), which reads: "Unlawful carnal knowledge and any other indecent assault, shall be presumed to be accompanied with violence - (a) when it is committed on any person under twelve years of age; (b) when the person abused was unable to offer resistance owing to physical or mental infirmity, or for any other cause independent of the act of the offender, or in consequence of any fraudulent device used by the offender."
However clause (a) is not stating that "carnal knowledge" involving a person over the age of twelve is not unlawful; it is distinguishing between "unlawful carnal knowledge" and "unlawful carnal knowledge (presumably) accompanied by violence", the phrasing used clearly states that it is possible to have unlawful carnal knowledge with a person older than twelve; in such a case violence cannot be presumed, however the act may still have been unlawful. This legislation suggests that the law considers a child of twelve or under to have been subject to "violence" in such a case, no doubt thereby invoking harsher penalties for an abuser.
[edit] History
Until 1973, male homosexual acts ("unnatural carnal connection") was prohibited by the Maltese Criminal Code, Section 220. This was repealed in that year.
[edit] Isle of Man
Shouldn't the Isle of Man's age of consent be there somewhere? Dmn € Դմն 13:27, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
- Along with a load of other places. If you can cite the relavent law go ahead and add it. :) --Monotonehell 14:27, 27 June 2006 (UTC)
[edit] Scotland
I removed this bit of silliness:
- Sections 7 and 8 provide for specific offences of procuring, abduction and unlawful detention, for which the ages of consent are 18 and 21.
The fact that there are additional provisions in the law to prosecute people who commit certain illegal acts with girls younger than 18 doesn't mean that 18 is the "age of consent" for such acts. It just means that the law is tougher on people who commit the acts with girls younger than 18. (Comment by 03:11, 13 November 2006 (UTC))
[edit] Lead paragraph
I reverted a recent edit to the lead paragraph which attempted to introduce new definitions for some terms. This header appears in the same format as the other 5 AoC subpages. Altering one without the others reduces consistency. Also altering the header to suit one section throws the formating of all the other sections in the rubish. It was decided a while ago to focus the thrust of discussion on unfettered age of consent. There is a great deal of variation in close in age exceptions and they need to be explained while unfettered AoC is (fairly) straightfoward. --Monotonehell 18:32, 14 November 2006 (UTC)