Agda theorem prover

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Agda is an interactive system for developing constructive proofs in a variant of Martin-Löf's Type Theory

Agda can also be seen as a functional language with dependent types.

  • It is based on the idea of direct manipulation of proof-term and not on tactics. The proof is a term, not a script.
  • The language has ordinary programming constructs such as data-types and case-expressions, signatures and records, let-expressions and modules.
  • Has an emacs-interface and a graphical interface, Alfa

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  • C. Coquand et al. An emacs-interface for type directed support constructing proofs and programs. ENTCS 2006.
  • T. Coquand et al. Connecting a Logical Framework to a First-Order Logic Prover. FroCos 2005, pp. 285-301.