African Americans in the United States Congress

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Joseph Rainey, first black member of the U.S. House of Representatives
Joseph Rainey, first black member of the U.S. House of Representatives

Since 1868, there have been 118 African American members of the United States Congress. This figure includes one member that was elected, but was never seated in Congress and five non-voting members of the House of Representatives, representing the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


[edit] History of African American representation

[edit] The Reconstruction era

The right of African Americans to vote and to serve in the United States Congress was established after the Civil War by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution. The Thirteenth Amendment (ratified December 6, 1865), abolished slavery. The Fourteenth Amendment (ratified July 9, 1868) made all those born or naturalized in the United States citizens. The Fifteenth Amendment (ratified February 3, 1870) forbade the denial or abridgement of the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; and gave Congress the power to enforce the law by appropriate legislation.

In 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act and the Reconstruction Act, which dissolved all governments in the former Confederate states, with the exception of Tennessee, and divided the South into five military districts to protect the rights of the newly freed blacks. The act required that the former Confederate states ratify their constitutions conferring citizenship rights on blacks or forfeit their representation in Congress.

As a result of these measures, blacks acquired the right to vote across the Southern states. In several states (notably Mississippi and South Carolina), blacks were the majority of the population, and were able, in coalition with pro-Union whites, to take control of the state legislatures, which at that time elected members of the United States Senate. In practice, however, only Mississippi elected black Senators. On February 25, 1870, Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first black member of the Senate.

Blacks were a majority of the population in many Congressional districts across the South. In 1870, Joseph Rainey of South Carolina became the first black member of the United States House of Representatives. Blacks were also elected from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina and Virginia.

All of these Reconstruction era black Senators and Representatives were members of the Republican Party. The Republicans represented the party of Abraham Lincoln and of the Emancipation Proclamation, while the Southern Democrats represented the party of slavery and secession. Until 1876, the Republicans made genuine efforts to ensure that southern blacks were able to vote.

After the disputed Presidential election of 1876 between Democratic governor of New York, Samuel J. Tilden and Republican governor of Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes, an agreement between Democratic and Republican factions was negotiated, resulting in the Compromise of 1877. Democrats conceded the election to Hayes and promised to observe the political rights of blacks. The Republicans conceded to no longer intervene in southern affairs and promised to appropriate some federal money toward southern projects. With the southern states "redeemed", Democrats gradually regained control of the Southern legislatures and restricted the rights of blacks to vote.

By 1890, southern states began to disenfranchise black voters. Literacy tests, poll taxes, and white primaries prevented many blacks from voting. Southern states and local governments gradually adopted laws that segregated blacks. Finally, racial violence in the form of lynchings and race riots increased in frequency.

The last black Congressman elected from the South was George Henry White of North Carolina, elected in 1897. His term expired in 1901, the same year the last President to have fought in the civil war – William McKinley – died. There were no blacks in the Congress for next 28 years.

[edit] The modern era

The Great Migration of blacks from the South to northern cities such as New York and Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s began to produce black-majority Congressional districts. In 1928, Oscar DePriest won the 1st Congressional District of Illinois (the South Side of Chicago) as a Republican, becoming the first black Congressman of the modern era.

DePriest was also the last black Republican in the House for 56 years. The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 led to a shift of black voting loyalties from Republican to Democrat as the Democrats became the party of economic advancement and (some time later) civil rights for black Americans. By the 1960s, virtually all black voters were Democrats. Two black Republicans have been elected since 1991, but both from white-majority districts.

Until 1992, most black House members were elected from inner-city districts in the North and West: Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Los Angeles, New York City, Newark, New Jersey, Philadelphia and St. Louis all elected at least one black member. The only southern cities to have black majority districts were Atlanta, Houston, Memphis and New Orleans. The only Southern rural area to have a black majority district was the Mississippi Delta area in Mississippi.

Following the 1990 census, the districts were needed to be redrawn due to the population shift of the country. However, there were various court decisions to have districts created with the intent of creating some where the majority of the population are African Americans. In order to comply with the courts, the districts were redrawn by a process called gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is when the districts are drawn, the end results an oddly shaped map to encompass a particular group. In this case, grotesquely-shaped districts were created to link widely separated black communities. Due to this method, several black members of the House were elected from Alabama, Florida, rural Georgia, rural Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia for the first time since Reconstruction. Additional black majority districts were also created in this way in California, Maryland and Texas, thus greatly increased the number of black-majority districts. The process was supported by both parties. The Democrats saw it as a way to connect to their black voters easily, which historically votes for the Democrats. The Republicans saw it as a way to win seats easier, since many of the Democratic voters were moved from their districts. By the year 2000, this resulted in the Republicans holding a majority of white-majority House districts. However, this made the Democratic Party more clearly "black" in Southern states, thus further alienating white voters from the Democratic Party.

Since the 1940s, there is no state that has a majority of African-American residents. Because of this, the ability for an African American candidate to be solely elected by the black vote is not possible. This means the candidate must reach out to other races and groups to be able to elected to office, especially in the election for the United States Senate. Despite this issue, three African Americans have been elected to the Senate since that time: Edward W. Brooke, a liberal Republican from Massachusetts, and Carol Moseley Braun and Barack Obama, both Democrats from Illinois.

[edit] List of African Americans in the United States Congress

[edit] United States Senate

[edit] In the Reconstruction era

Senator Party State Term
Hiram Rhodes Revels Republican Mississippi 1870-1871
Blanche K. Bruce Republican Mississippi 1875-1881

[edit] In the modern era

Senator Party State Term
Edward W. Brooke Republican Massachusetts 1967-1979
Carol Moseley Braun Democrat Illinois 1993-1999
Barack Obama Democrat Illinois 2005-present

[edit] United States House of Representatives

[edit] In the Reconstruction era

Representative Party State Term
John Willis Menard[1] Republican Louisiana 1868
Jefferson F. Long Republican Georgia 1870-1871
Joseph H. Rainey Republican South Carolina 1870-1879
Robert C. DeLarge Republican South Carolina 1871-1873
Robert B. Elliott Republican South Carolina 1871-1874
Benjamin S. Turner Republican Alabama 1871-1873
Josiah T. Walls Republican Florida 1871-1873, 1873-1875, 1875-1876
Richard H. Cain Republican South Carolina 1873-1875, 1877-1879
John R. Lynch Republican Mississippi 1873-1877, 1882-1883
James T. Rapier Republican Alabama 1873-1875
Alonzo J. Ransier Republican South Carolina 1873-1875
Jeremiah Haralson Republican Alabama 1875-1877
John A. Hyman Republican North Carolina 1875-1877
Charles E. Nash Republican Louisiana 1875-1877
Robert Smalls Republican South Carolina 1875-1879, 1882-1883, 1884-1887
James E. O'Hara Republican North Carolina 1883-1887
Henry P. Cheatham Republican North Carolina 1889-1893
John Mercer Langston Republican Virginia 1890-1891
Thomas E. Miller Republican South Carolina 1890-1891
George W. Murray Republican South Carolina 1893-1895, 1896-1897
George Henry White Republican North Carolina 1897-1901

[edit] In the modern era

Representative Party State Term
Oscar DePriest Republican Illinois 1929-1935
Arthur W. Mitchell Democrat Illinois 1935-1943
William Levi Dawson Democrat Illinois 1943-1970
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Democrat New York 1945-1967, 1967-1971
Charles Diggs Democrat Michigan 1955-1980
Robert N.C. Nix, Sr. Democrat Pennsylvania 1958-1979
Augustus F. Hawkins Democrat California 1963-1991
John Conyers, Jr. Democrat Michigan 1965-present
William L. Clay, Sr. Democrat Missouri 1969-2001
Louis Stokes Democrat Ohio 1969-1999
Shirley Chisholm Democrat New York 1969-1983
George W. Collins Democrat Illinois 1970-1972
Ronald V. Dellums Democrat California 1971-1998
Ralph Metcalfe Democrat Illinois 1971-1978
Parren Mitchell Democrat Maryland 1971-1987
Charles B. Rangel Democrat New York 1971-present
Yvonne Brathwaite Burke Democrat California 1973-1979
Cardiss Collins Democrat Illinois 1973-1997
Barbara Jordan Democrat Texas 1973-1979
Andrew Young Democrat Georgia 1973-1977
Harold Ford, Sr. Democrat Tennessee 1975-1997
Julian C. Dixon Democrat California 1979-2000
William H. Gray, III Democrat Pennsylvania 1979-1991
Mickey Leland Democrat Texas 1979-1989
Bennett McVey Stewart Democrat Illinois 1979-1981
George W. Crockett Democrat Michigan 1980-1991
Mervyn M. Dymally Democrat California 1981-1993
Gus Savage Democrat Illinois 1981-1993
Harold Washington Democrat Illinois 1981-1983
Katie Hall Democrat Indiana 1982-1985
Major Owens Democrat New York 1983-2007
Edolphus Towns Democrat New York 1983-present
Alan Wheat Democrat Missouri 1983-1995
Charles Hayes Democrat Illinois 1983-1993
Alton R. Waldon, Jr. Democrat New York 1986-1987
Mike Espy Democrat Mississippi 1987-1993
Floyd Flake Democrat New York 1987-1998
John Lewis Democrat Georgia 1987-present
Kweisi Mfume Democrat Maryland 1987-1996
Donald M. Payne Democrat New Jersey 1989-present
Craig A. Washington Democrat Texas 1989-1995
Barbara-Rose Collins Democrat Michigan 1991-1997
Gary Franks Republican Connecticut 1991-1997
William J. Jefferson Democrat Louisiana 1991-present
Maxine Waters Democrat California 1991-present
Lucien E. Blackwell Democrat Pennsylvania 1991-1995
Eva Clayton Democrat North Carolina 1992-2003
Sanford Bishop Democrat Georgia 1993-present
Corrine Brown Democrat Florida 1993-present
Jim Clyburn Democrat South Carolina 1993-present
Cleo Fields Democrat Louisiana 1993-1997
Alcee Hastings Democrat Florida 1993-present
Earl Hilliard Democrat Alabama 1993-2003
Eddie Bernice Johnson Democrat Texas 1993-present
Cynthia McKinney Democrat Georgia 1993-2003, 2005-2007
Carrie Meek Democrat Florida 1993-2003
Mel Reynolds Democrat Illinois 1993-1995
Bobby Rush Democrat Illinois 1993-present
Robert C. Scott Democrat Virginia 1993-present
Walter Tucker Democrat California 1993-1995
Mel Watt Democrat North Carolina 1993-present
Albert Wynn Democrat Maryland 1993-present
Bennie Thompson Democrat Mississippi 1993-present
Chaka Fattah Democrat Pennsylvania 1995-present
Sheila Jackson Lee Democrat Texas 1995-present
J.C. Watts, Jr. Republican Oklahoma 1995-2003
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Democrat Illinois 1995-present
Juanita Millender-McDonald Democrat California 1996-present
Elijah Cummings Democrat Maryland 1996-present
Julia Carson Democrat Indiana 1997-present
Danny K. Davis Democrat Illinois 1997-present
Harold Ford, Jr. Democrat Tennessee 1997-2007
Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick Democrat Michigan 1997-present
Gregory W. Meeks Democrat New York 1998-present
Barbara Lee Democrat California 1998-present
Stephanie Tubbs Jones Democrat Ohio 1999-present
William Lacy Clay, Jr. Democrat Missouri 2001-present
Diane Watson Democrat California 2001-present
Frank Ballance Democrat North Carolina 2003-2004
Artur Davis Democrat Alabama 2003-present
Denise Majette Democrat Georgia 2003-2005
Kendrick Meek Democrat Florida 2003-present
David Scott Democrat Georgia 2003-present
G.K. Butterfield Democrat North Carolina 2004-present
Emanuel Cleaver Democrat Missouri 2005-present
Al Green Democrat Texas 2005-present
Gwen Moore Democrat Wisconsin 2005-present
Yvette Clarke Democrat New York 2007-present
Keith Ellison Democrat Minnesota 2007-present
Hank Johnson Democrat Georgia 2007-present

[edit] Non-voting members

Delegate Party State Term
Walter E. Fauntroy Democrat District of Columbia 1971-1990
Melvin H. Evans Republican Virgin Islands 1979-1980
Eleanor Holmes Norton Democrat District of Columbia 1991-present
Victor O. Frazer Democrat Virgin Islands 1995-1996
Donna Christian-Christensen Democrat Virgin Islands 1997-present

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ John W. Menard was elected to fill an unexpired term, but was never seated in Congress due to a challenge of his election

[edit] References

  • Foner, Eric. Freedom's Lawmakers: A Directory of Black Offeceholders during Reconstruction. 1996. Revised. ISBN 0-8071-2082-0. Between 1865 and 1876, about two thousand blacks held elective and appointive offices in the South. A few are relatively well-known, but most have languished in obscurity, omitted from official state histories. Foner profiles more than 1,500 black legislators, state officials, sheriffs, justices of the peace, and constables in this volume.
  • Hahn, Steven. A Nation Under Our Feet: Black Political Struggles in the Rural South From Slavery to the Great Migration. 2003. ISBN 0-674-01169-4
  • Brown, Canter Jr. Florida's Black Public Officials, 1867-1924

[edit] External links

United States Congress(House of Representatives, Senate)
Members House: Current, Former, Districts (by area) | Senate: Current (by seniority, by age), Former (expelled/censured), Classes
Leaders House: Speaker, Party leaders, Party whips, Dem. caucus, Rep. conference, Dean | Senate: President pro tempore (list), Party leaders, Assistant party leaders, Dem. Caucus (Chair, Secretary, Policy comm. chair), Rep. Conference (Chair, Vice-Chair, Policy comm. chair), Dean
Groups African Americans, Asian Pacific Americans, Caucuses, Committees, Demographics, Senate Women
Agencies, Employees & Offices Architect of the Capitol, Capitol guide service (board), Capitol police (board), Chiefs of Staff, GAO, Government Printing Office, Law Revision Counsel, Librarian of Congress, Poet laureate | House: Chaplain, Chief Administrative Officer, Clerk, Doorkeeper, Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Operations, Historian, Page (board), Parliamentarian, Postmaster, Reading clerk, Recording Studio, Sergeant at Arms | Senate: Chaplain, Curator, Historian, Librarian, Page, Parliamentarian, Secretary, Sergeant at Arms
Politics & Procedure Act of Congress (list), Caucuses, Committees, Hearings, Joint session, Oversight, Partisan mix of delegations, Rider | House: Committees, History, Jefferson's Manual, Procedures | Senate: Committees, Filibuster, History, Traditions, VPs' tie-breaking votes
Buildings Capitol Complex, Capitol, Botanic Garden | Office buildings– House: Cannon, Ford, Longworth, O'Neill, Rayburn, Senate: Dirksen, Hart, Russell
Research Biographical directory, Congressional Quarterly, Congressional Record, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, The Hill, Roll Call, THOMAS
Misc Mace of the House, Power of enforcement, Scandals, Softball League