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AFGNCAAP (pronounced Afghan-cap) is a satirically politically correct initialism for "Ageless, Faceless, Gender-Neutral, Culturally-Ambiguous Adventure Person" from the computer game Zork Grand Inquisitor, released by Activision in 1997. The player is given the name AFGNCAAP by the former Dungeon Master Dalboz of Gurth. It is a joking reference to many other adventure games, including Infocom's original Zork games and Myst, in which the player's character has no identity or name.

The name comes from the select-your-own-adventure style of the early text-based and later puzzle-adventure games, wherein the main character is the player him/herself and not a pre-designed character in the story as is usually the case with videogames. Obviously, as anyone could be playing, these games never make an assumption or reference as to the main character's (the player) identity, gender, ethnic background, age, etc. In light of this, it is also interesting to note that many of these games are entirely void of mirrors and/or highly reflective surfaces, except for the "Mirror Room" in the original Zork I.

A more conventional description of this type of game is a second-person game, because the player is you, which grammatically is the "second-person" in the list of pronouns. In comparison, a third-person game has a figurine moved by the player, who represents a character with a history written into the game, appear on the screen, and a first-person game has no figurine, yet the point-of-view of the screen represents such a scripted character.

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