
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term aethyr, æthyr, ethyr, or ayre may refer to one of the following:

  • Aethyr is a concept of a formless and invisible medium or substance that pervades the cosmos -- compare & contrast with Aether theories.
  • Aethyr is a reference for the fifth element, or spirit, in various forms of Metaphysics and Occultism (such as Hermeticism, Magick, Wicca, Neo-Paganism, & the New Age movement).
  • Aethyr is a term in the Enochian tradition which indicates one of a succession of worlds (or "planes"), which are viewed not only as surrounding, but also as interpenetrating and extending beyond the material world.
  • Aethyr is a powerful demon like creature connected to the Phantom Zone in the DC universe.
  • Aethyr is a fictional character on the Smallville television series.