Adventure Unlimited

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Adventure Unlimited (commonly referred to as A/U) is a non-profit Christian Science organization based in Denver, Colorado. A/U's self-proclaimed primary function is to "provide inspiring recreational, social, educational, and service activities for Christian Scientists and their friends, especially children and young people, in an atmosphere conducive to the recognition of the practicality and effectiveness of Christian Science."[1] Founded in 1955 by John and Marianne Andrews and established as a non-profit in 1962, A/U's primary function today is to run two summer camp ranches in Buena Vista, Colorado, which border the Collegiate Peaks Wilderness. Sky Valley Ranch is a camp for 3rd through 8th grade campers, while Round Up Ranch caters to high school aged campers.

Since 2001, DiscoveryBound is the name for local chapters aimed at teens.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Adventure Unlimited's Purpose. Adventure Unlimited. Retrieved on 2006-05-19.

[edit] External links