Advancement for the Islands (m-l)

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Nordic M-L Movement

Denmark: KAP
Faroes: OF(ml)
Finland: MLG
Iceland: EIK(m-l)
Norway: AKP(m-l)
Sweden: SKP

Pål Steigan
Nils Holmberg


Communism Portal

Oyggjaframi (marx-leninistar) or OF(m-l) - Advancement for the Islands (Marxist-Leninist) - was a communist organization in the Faroe Islands, formed when the Tórshavn section of Oyggjaframi, Færøske Socialister broke away. It published Arbeiðið between 1976 and 1984, and was probably dissolved around 1984.

Initially OF(m-l) took part in the Nordic cooperation of Marxist-Leninist parties that included Arbeidernes Kommunistparti of Norway, Kommunistiska Förbundet Marxist-Leninisterna of Sweden, Kommunistisk Arbejderparti of Denmark, Marxist-Leninist Groups of Finland and Einingarsamtök Kommúnista (marx-lenínistar) of Iceland. When the Sino-Albanian split occurred, OF(m-l) and EIK(ml) followed the People's Republic of Albania.

During its last years, OF(m-l) kept close contacts with the pro-Albanian Danish Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti/Marxister-Leninister.

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