Advanced Technology Group

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Larry Tesler of Apple Computer started Advanced Technology Group in October 1986 to study long term research into future technologies that were beyond the time frame or organizational scope of any individual product group. Over the next decade it was lead by Dave Nagel, Rick LeFaivre, and Don Norman.

Apple's ATG was the birthplace of Color Quickdraw, QuickTime, QuickTime VR, QuickDraw 3D, 3DMF the 3D metafile graphics format, ColorSync, Hypercard, AppleEvents, AppleScript, Apple's PlainTalk speech recognition software, Apple Data Detectors and the V-Twin software for indexing, storing, and searching text documents, Macintalk Pro Speech Synthesis, the Newton handwriting recognizer, the component software technology leading to OpenDoc, MCF and HotSauce, and Cocoa, a visual programming for kids.