Advanced Open Water Diver

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Advanced Open Water Diver (AOWD) is a scuba diving certification level provided by several diver training agencies, such as PADI, SSI and UEF. The certification level is roughly equivalent the CMAS ** Diver qualification, although some differences occur.

[edit] Background

The AOWD is the second level qualification, following the Open Water Diver qualification (OWD). At the OWD level divers gain basic knowledge of skills, equipment and theory to safely explore the underwater realm. The AOWD focuses on refining these skills allowing the diver to further explore a broader variety of diving. Prior to entering an AOWD course, some organizations have prerequisites in terms of logged dives. The course usually contains some mandatory dives and knowledge whilst a certain portion of the course consists of free elective topics such as drift diving or search and recovery.

[edit] Topics

The course usually covers most of the following topics:

In many training agencies, these dives represent introductory knowledge and skills that may be further refined in a speciality course.

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