Admiral Gardner

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Admiral Gardner
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Hair color: White
Eye color: Blue
Home planet: Earth
Affiliation: Starfleet
Rank: Admiral
Portrayed by: John Mahon

Admiral Gardner is a fictional character in the television series Star Trek: Enterprise.

Gardner (whose first name has yet to be revealed) is the head of Starfleet, having succeeded to the position after the death of his predecessor, Admiral Forrest, in 2154. Gardner came up through the ranks as a test pilot, having test flown the NX-Gamma - one of the warp drive prototype ships that would later be used in designing the NX class starship.

Except for episodes set in the Mirror Universe, Admiral Gardner was never seen onscreen, but is known to be somewhat less emotional and impulsive than Captain Jonathan Archer - reasons why the Vulcans had initially recommended Gardner to the captaincy of the Enterprise (NX-01). As of 2151-2152 -- coinciding with the first season of Enterprise -- Gardner held the rank of Captain, with promotion to Admiral occurring at a later, unspecified date. It is not known if the death of Forrest resulted in this promotion.

In 2154, during the Kir'Shara crisis on Vulcan, Captain Archer insisted on keeping the NX-01 near Vulcan in order to expose the corrupt Vulcan High Command and prevent the invasion of Andor - prompting Admiral Gardner to order Archer to withdraw. Archer refused the order, but after the fallout from the crisis subsided, Gardner elected not to reprimand the captain.

Several months later, when Hoshi Sato (temporarily in command of Enterprise) declined to attack a mining colony whose leader was threatening to attack Earth (Trip and T'Pol were being held captive there, and Hoshi elected to wait in order to save them), Gardner almost relieved Hoshi of command per an order from a major Earth diplomat, but the order was never transmitted.

Gardner also exists in the Mirror Universe depicted in the two-part episode, "In a Mirror, Darkly". This version of the character is commander of the Terran Empire's Starfleet. Under him are various admirals, such as Admiral Black. This Gardner is seen on screen and played by John Mahon.

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