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In Hinduism, the Ādityas are a group of solar deities, sons of Aditi and Kashyapa.


[edit] Vedas

In the Rigveda, they are seven deities of the heavens, headed by Varuna, followed by Mitra:

  1. Varuna
  2. Mitra
  3. Aryaman
  4. Bhaga
  5. Daksha
  6. Anśa
  7. Sūrya (the Sun) or Savitr.
  8. Ravi

As a class of gods, the Rigvedic Ādityas were distinct from other groups such as the Maruts, the Rbhus or the Viśve-devāḥ (although Mitra and Varuna appear also in the context of the latter).

In the Yajurveda (Taittirīya Samhita), their number is given as eight.

[edit] Brahmanas

In the Brāhmaṇas, their number is expanded to twelve, corresponding to the twelve months:

  1. Aṃśa
  2. Aryaman
  3. Bhaga
  4. Dakṣa
  5. Dhātṛ
  6. Indra
  7. Mitra
  8. Ravi
  9. Savitṛ
  10. Sūrya
  11. Varuṇa
  12. Yama

[edit] Vedanta and Puranic Hinduism

Āditya in the (Chāndogya-Upaniṣad) is also a name of Viṣṇu, in his Vāmana (dwarf) avatāra.

Another such list, from the Viṣṇupurāṇa [1] is:

  1. Aṃśa
  2. Aryaman
  3. Bhaga
  4. Dhūti
  5. Mitra
  6. Pūṣan
  7. Śakra
  8. Savitṛ
  9. Tvaṣṭṛ
  10. Varuṇa
  11. Viṣṇu
  12. Vivasvat

[edit] Reference

Hinduism | Hindu mythology | Itihasa
Female Deities: Gayatri | Saraswati | Lakshmi | Dakshayani | Parvati | Durga | Shakti | Kali | Sita | Devi | Radha | Mahavidya | more...
Male Deities: Brahma | Vishnu | Shiva | Rama | Krishna | Ganesha | Kartikeya | Hanuman | Lakshmana | Indra | Surya | more...
Texts: Vedas | Upanishads | Puranas | Ramayana | Mahabharata
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