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en This user is a native speaker of English.
es-4 El nivel de este usuario corresponde al de un hablante casi nativo del español.
ar-2 هذا المستخدم يستطيع المساهمة بالعربية بمستوى متوسط.
uz-2 Bu ishtirokchi O'zbek tilini o'rta darajada biladi.
lad-1 Este usuario puede kontribuir kon un nivel báziko de djudeo-spanyol.
W This user attends or attended Williams College.
BA This user has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science.
This user's favorite subject is Political Science.
Fx This user is interested in astronomy.
RD This user knows that "they're all dead, Dave".
Bowling.jpg This user warns: If you mark that frame an 8, you're entering a world of pain.
trpt This user plays the trumpet.
This user tracks what they listen to on
This user is a friend of Don Quixote.
Atr This user serves House Atreides.
This user remembers using
a rotary dial telephone.
This user is of Sephardi Jewish ancestry.
This user lives in or hails from Seattle.

Eagle Scout Knot

This user is an Eagle Scout.
PƧ This user survived a trek through Philmont Scout Ranch.