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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Platyhelminthes
Class: Turbellaria
Order: Acoela
  • Actinoposthiidae
  • Anaperidae
  • Antigonariidae
  • Antroposthiidae
  • Childiidae
  • Convolutidae
  • Dakuidae
  • Diopisthoporidae
  • Hallangiidae
  • Haploposthiidae
  • Hofsteniidae
  • Isodiametridae
  • Mecynostomidae
  • Nadinidae
  • Otocelididae
  • Paratomellidae
  • Polycanthiidae
  • Proporidae
  • Sagittiferidae
  • Solenofilomorphidae
  • Taurididae

Acoela is an order of animals treated either as a group of flatworms or as one of the two classes of the phylum Acoelomorpha, containing the majority of that phylum's species. It contains about 20 families.

As the most primitive bilateral animals, Acoela provide interesting insights into early animal evolution and development [citation needed]- the best studied being the European species Symsagittifera roscoffensis.

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