Talk:Ackermann steering geometry

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Acherman mechanism is it the best model for high speed cars?

WHat do you mean by 'high speed cars'? Fast road cars, racing cars, record breakers like Thrust SSC? As the article states, "pure" Ackermann isn't used in real cars, but a slight modification of it which accounts for other effects, such as tyrewall compliance, etc. There are also many other interacting factors in car suspension/steering design which make it a very complex subject. Graham 23:05, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
No, you should not use 100% Ackermann for a high speed car. Typically a modern production car will use perhaps 60% Ackermann, whereas racing cars often use parallel steer (0% Ackermann), or even negative Ackermann, in which the outer wheel turns more than the inner wheel. Greglocock 08:12, 26 August 2006 (UTC)

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