Acid anhydride

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Acid anhydrides are chemical compounds that look like, and sometimes are, the product resulting from dehydration of an acid. Most commonly, they form the acid when mixed with water. In organic chemistry, the acids involved are often carboxylic acids; for such cases, please see carboxylic anhydride.

Classically, simple anhydrides arise via the following reaction:

2 XOH → X2O + H2O

In principle, such a conversion could describe all known oxides and hydroxides. In practice those of greatest interest have both a stable acid and a stable anhydride.

For a typical mineral acid with formula HxEOy, the fully dehydrated compound has formula EOy-x/2 or E2O2*y-x.


Parent acid Intermediate
(if any)
perchloric acid, HClO4 dichlorine heptoxide, Cl2O7
chloric acid, HClO3 dichlorine pentoxide, Cl2O5
chlorous acid, HClO2 dichlorine trioxide, Cl2O3
hypochlorous acid, HClO dichlorine monoxide, Cl2O
permanganic acid, HMnO4 manganese(VII) oxide, Mn2O7
perrhenic acid, HReO4 rhenium(VII) oxide, Re2O7
pertechnetic acid, HTcO4 technetium(VII) oxide, Tc2O7
sulfuric acid, H2SO4 H2S2O7 sulfur trioxide, SO3
sulfurous acid, H2SO3 H2S2O5 sulfur dioxide, SO2
hyposulfurous acid, H2SO2 sulfur monoxide, SO
selenic acid, H2SeO4 selenium trioxide, SeO3
selenous acid, H2SeO3 selenium dioxide, SeO2
orthotelluric acid, Te(OH)6 tellurium trioxide, TeO3
tellurous acid, H2TeO3 tellurium dioxide, TeO2
chromic acid, H2CrO4 H2Cr2O7 chromium(VI) oxide, CrO3
molybdic acid, H2MoO4 molybdenum(VI) oxide, MoO3
tungstic acid, H2WO4 tungsten(VI) oxide, WO3
nitric acid, HNO3 dinitrogen pentoxide, N2O5
nitrous acid, HNO2 dinitrogen trioxide, N2O3
nitrous acid, HNO2
hydrochloric acid, HCl
nitrosyl chloride, NOCl
nitrous acid, HNO2
Sulfuric acid, H2SO4
nitrosylsulfuric acid, NOHSO4
phosphoric acid, H3PO4 H4P2O7 phosphorus pentoxide, "P2O5"
i.e. P4O10
phosphorous acid, H3PO3 H4P2O5 phosphorus trioxide, "P2O3"
i.e. P4O6
arsenic acid, H3AsO4 arsenic pentoxide, As2O5
arsenous acid, H3AsO3 arsenic trioxide, As2O3
carbonic acid, H2CO3 carbon dioxide, CO2
stannic acid, H2SnO3 tin dioxide, SnO2
plumbic acid, H2PbO3 lead dioxide, PbO2
titanic acid, H2TiO3 titanium dioxide, TiO2
orthosilicic acid, H4SiO4 H6Si2O7 metasilicic acid, H2SiO3
metasilicic acid, H2SiO3 H2Si2O5 silicon dioxide, SiO2
orthoboric acid, H3BO3 H2B4O7 metaboric acid, HBO2
metaboric acid, HBO2 boron oxide, B2O3
triflic acid, CF3SO2OH triflic anhydride, (CF3SO2)2O
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