Acheloos Painter

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The Acheloos painter (active around 525 - 500 BCE. in Athens) was a Greek vase painter of the black-figure style. He received his name after a representation of the fight of the river God Acheloos and Herakles on Amphora F 1851 in the Berlin Antique collection.

[edit] Selected Works

  • Altenburg, Staatliches Lindenau-Museum
Amphora 221
  • Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig
Amphora BS 1906.294
  • Berlin, Antikensammlung
Amphora F 1845 • Amphora F 1851 • Hydria F 1905
  • Cambridge, Harvard University Art Museums
Amphora 1960.314
  • Florenz, Museo Archeologico Etrusco
Amphora 3871
  • London, The British Museum
Panathenäische Amphora B 167
  • Mississippi, University of Mississippi
Amphora 1977.3.71
  • München, Glyptothek und Antikensammlung
Amphora SL 459
  • Reading, The Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology
Amphora 45.10.22
  • Toledo, Toledo Museum of Art
Amphora 58.69
  • Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum
Amphora 210

[edit] References

  • John Beazley: Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1956
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