Image talk:Ac.johnbatman.jpg

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Note that this image is NOT the image from the La Trobe Library, Melbourne, Victoria (which is definately in the public domain!). This is a pencil drawing based on the original.

The key differences are that Batman's head is much shorter in the painting, and the knot on the kerchief is flat, and doesnt stick out like in the drawing! Johnpf 21:36, 29 December 2005 (UTC)

A little research has found that this drawing is a hand drawn copy of a drawing by Charles Nuttall from a painting ( "The Settlers' first meeting with Buckley" )by Frederick Woodhouse done in 1861. Batman's daughter, Mrs Weire, considered it to be "a remarkable likeness" of her father but as she was less than 10 years old when her father died we have to take this with a grain of salt.

In any regard, this picture is a drawing of a drawing of a painting that might have had a source document. Johnpf 21:50, 29 December 2005 (UTC)