Abu Mena

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Christ and Abbot Menas. A 6th-century icon from the Monastery of St Menas in Egypt. It is one of the oldest icons in existence.
Christ and Abbot Menas. A 6th-century icon from the Monastery of St Menas in Egypt. It is one of the oldest icons in existence.

Abu Mena is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Egypt immediately west of the Nile River delta. It was designated a World Heritage Site due to its significance as an early Christian center built over the tomb of Menas of Alexandria. In 2001, the site was added to the list of threatened World Heritage sites due to a significant rise in the water table which has caused a number of the site's buildings to collapse or become unstable.

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Coordinates: 30.841046°N′29.663479 E°′{{{6}}}

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