Abstract Wiener space

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An abstract Wiener space is a mathematical object in measure theory, used to construct a "decent" (strictly positive and locally finite) measure on an infinite-dimensional vector space. It is named after the American mathematician Norbert Wiener.


[edit] Definition

Let H be a separable Hilbert space. Let E be a separable Banach space. Let i : H \to E be an injective continuous linear map with dense image (i.e., \overline{i(H)} = E) that radonifies the canonical Gaussian cylinder set measure γH on H. Then the triple (i,H,E) (or simply i : H \to E) is called an abstract Wiener space. The measure γ induced on E is called the abstract Wiener measure of i : H \to E.

The Hilbert space H is sometimes called the Cameron-Martin space or reproducing kernel Hilbert space.

[edit] Properties

  • γ is a Borel measure: it is defined on the Borel σ-algebra generated by the open subsets of E.
  • γ is a Gaussian measure in the sense that \ell_{*} (\gamma) is a Gaussian measure on \mathbb{R} for every linear functional \ell \in E^{*}, \ell \neq 0.
  • Hence, γ is strictly positive and locally finite.
  • If E is a finite-dimensional Banach space, we may take E to be isomorphic to \mathbb{R}^{n} for some n \in \mathbb{N}. Setting H = \mathbb{R}^{n} and i : H \to E to be the canonical isomorphism gives the abstract Wiener measure γ = γn, the standard Gaussian measure on \mathbb{R}^{n}.
  • The behaviour of γ under translation is described by the Cameron-Martin theorem.
  • Given two abstract Wiener spaces i_{1} : H_{1} \to E_{1} and i_{2} : H_{2} \to E_{2}, one can show that \gamma_{12} = \gamma_{1} \otimes \gamma_{2}. In full:
(i_{1} \times i_{2})_{*} (\gamma^{H_{1} \times H_{2}}) = (i_{1})_{*} \left( \gamma^{H_{1}} \right) \otimes (i_{2})_{*} \left( \gamma^{H_{2}} \right),

i.e., the abstract Wiener measure on the Cartesian product E_{1} \times E_{2} is the product of the abstract Wiener measures on the two factors E1 and E2.

[edit] Example: Classical Wiener space

Arguably the most frequently-used abstract Wiener space is the space of continuous paths, and is known as classical Wiener space. This is the abstract Wiener space with

H := L_{0}^{2, 1} ([0, T]; \mathbb{R}^{n}) := \{ \mathrm{paths\,starting\,at\,0\,with\,first\,derivative} \in L^{2} \}

with inner product

\langle \sigma_{1}, \sigma_{2} \rangle_{L_{0}^{2,1}} := \int_{0}^{T} \langle \dot{\sigma}_{1} (t), \dot{\sigma}_{2} (t) \rangle_{\mathbb{R}^{n}} \, \mathrm{d} t,


E := C_{0} ([0, T]; \mathbb{R}^{n})

with norm

\| \sigma \|_{C_{0}} := \sup_{t \in [0, T]} \| \sigma (t) \|_{\mathbb{R}^{n}},

and i : H \to E the inclusion map. The measure γ is called classical Wiener measure or simply Wiener measure.

[edit] See also

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