Abraomas Kulvietis

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Abraomas Kulvietis (Latin: Abraham Culvensis) (born circa 1509 in Kulva, Lithuania, died June 19, 1545, in Kulva). He was a jurist and a professor at Königsberg Albertina University, as well as a Reformer of the church.

Abraomas was born into an old Lithuanian noble family. Between 1528 and 1537 he studied in many universities across Europe, including Jagiellonian University. Later, as he became aware of humanist reforms, he moved to Loewen University, where he studied the works of Desiderius Erasmus. He continued studying in Wittenberg, where he studied Martin Luther's teachings. In 1536 he moved to Leipzig and finally Sienna, where in 1537 he was granted the title Doctor of Law.

After receiving his title, he returned to Lithuania, giving lectures in Vilnius and working under protection by Queen Bona Sforza and Sigismund II Augustus.

In 1540 he founded his own school where he taught about 60 pupils. He was generally unpopular among the Catholic hierarchy because of his Lutheran beliefs, and when the queen was away in 1542 Abraomas was forced to leave the country. He helped in the creation of Königsberg Albertina University, and later he was the first professor of classic Hebrew and Greek. He was also the first translator of Lithuanian Evangelian songs.

In 1545, he was allowed to came back to Lithuania. He was already ill with tuberculosis when he left Prussia, and he died at his parents' home in Kulva.

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[edit] References

  • "Confessio fidei Abr. Culvensis", 1543
  • Vaclovas Biržiška, "Abraham Kulvietis, The First Lithuanian Humanist", in Contributions of Baltic University Pinneberg, No. 47 (1947): 11.
  • Ed. Kneifel. Die Pastoren der Ev.-Augsb. Kirche in Polen, o. J. 213.

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