Abide With Me

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This article is about the Christian hymn. For other uses, see Abide With Me (disambiguation).

Abide With Me is a well-known Christian hymn composed by Henry Francis Lyte in 1847, though the lyrics are usually sung to William Henry Monk's melody Eventide rather than Lyte's original music. It is popular across many denominations, and was said to be a favourite of King George V and Mahatma Gandhi. It was sung at both the wedding of King George VI and that of his daughter, who would go on to become Queen Elizabeth II. Since 1927 it has been sung before the kick-off at the FA Cup Final and Challenge Cup Final.

Lyte wrote the words to his poem while he lay dying from tuberculosis, and lived only 3 weeks after its completion.

The hymn is sung at the annual Anzac Day services in Australia and New Zealand[1], and in some Remembrance Day services in Canada.[2] It is also played by the combined bands of the Indian Defence Forces during the annual Beating Retreat ceremony held on 29th January. A choral version of this hymm has been arranged by Moses Hogan.


[edit] Lyrics

This hymn is popular all over the world, in many different countries and languages. Here are its lyrics in various languages:

[edit] English

Abide With Me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me.
Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day;
Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away;
Change and decay in all around I see;
O Thou who changest not, abide with me.
Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word;
But as Thou dwell’st with Thy disciples, Lord,
Familiar, condescending, patient, free.
Come not to sojourn, but abide with me.
Come not in terrors, as the King of kings,
But kind and good, with healing in Thy wings,
Tears for all woes, a heart for every plea—
Come, Friend of sinners, and thus bide with me.
Thou on my head in early youth didst smile;
And, though rebellious and perverse meanwhile,
Thou hast not left me, oft as I left Thee,
On to the close, O Lord, abide with me.
I need Thy presence every passing hour.
What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.
I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless;
Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness.
Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory?
I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.
Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;
Shine through the gloom and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee;
In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me.

[edit] Chinese

夕陽西沉, 求主與我同居;
黑暗漸深, 求主與我同居;
求助無門, 安慰也無求處,
常助孤苦之神, 與我同居.
渺小浮生, 飄向生涯盡處
歡娛好景, 轉瞬都成過去;
變化無常, 環境何能留住?
懇求不變之神, 與我同居.
我深需主, 時刻需主眷顧,
除卻主恩, 尚有何法驅魔?
誰能如主, 時常導引扶持?
無論風雨晦明, 懇求同居.
有主降祥, 仇敵何需畏懼?
淚不辛酸, 痛也無足慮;
墳墓威權, 鋒鋩今天何處?
我仍欣然得勝, 主若同居.
示我寶架. 雙眸垂閉之時,
照徹昏幽, 指我直上天衢;
陰翳飛逝, 欣看天光破曙,
無論天上人間, 懇求同居.

[edit] French

Reste avec nous, Seigneur, le jour décline,
La nuit s’approche et nous menace tous;
Nous implorons ta présence divine:
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!
En toi nos coeurs ont salué leur Maître,
En toi notre âme a trouvé son époux;
A ta lumière elle se rent renaître:
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!
Les vains bonheurs de ce monde infidèle
N’enfantent rien que regrets ou dégoûts;
Nous avons soif d’une joie éternelle:
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!
Dans nos combat si ta main nous délaisse,
Satan vainqueur nous tiendra sous ses coups;
Que ta puissance arme notre faiblesse:
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!
Sous ton regard la joie est sainte et bonne,
Près de ton coeur les pleurs même sont doux,
Soit que ta main nous frappe ou nous couronne,
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!
Et quand, au bout de pèlerinage,
Nous partirons pour le grand rendezvous,
Pour nous guider dans ce dernier passage,
Reste avec nous, Seigneur, reste avec nous!

[edit] German

Bleib bei mir, Herr! Der Abend bricht herein.
Es kommt die Nacht, die Finsternis fällt ein.
Wo fänd ich Trost, wärst du mein Gott nicht hier?
Hilf dem, der hilflos ist: Herr, bleib bei mir!
Wie bald verebbt der Tag, das Leben weicht,
die Lust verglimmt, der Erdenruhm verbleicht;
umringt von Fall und Wandel leben wir.
Unwandelbar bist du: Herr, bleib bei mir!
Ich brauch zu jeder Stund dein Nahesein,
denn des Versuchers Macht brichst du allein.
Wer hilft mir sonst, wenn ich den Halt verlier?
In Licht und Dunkelheit, Herr, bleib bei mir!
Von deiner Hand geführt, fürcht ich kein Leid,
kein Unglück, keiner Trübsal Bitterkeit.
Was ist der Tod, bist du mir Schild und Zier?
Den Stachel nimmst du ihm: Herr, bleib bei mir!
Halt mir dein Kreuz vor, wenn mein Auge bricht;
im Todesdunkel bleibe du mein Licht.
Es tagt, die Schatten fliehn, ich geh zu dir.
Im Leben und im Tod, Herr, bleib bei mir!

[edit] Portuguese

Habita em mim na dura tentação;
Senhor habita em mim na escuridão.
Quando os amigos de mim fugir,
Sozinho estou, Senhor vem me acudir.
Nós somos pó, mas estamos aqui;
Com alegria pra louvar a Ti;
Tudo não passa de ostentação;
Jesus não muda Sua criação.
Oh Senhor Jesus vem por mim olhar;
Certo estou que vou contigo andar,
Fiel Senhor, liberdade sem fim.
Não quero perecer, habita em mim!
Com o Rei dos reis, na Luz viverei,
Pois em Suas asas seguro estarei,
De toda dor e toda aflição,
Jesus nos salva e muda o coração.
Eu era jovem; Tu por mim sorria;
Mas cruel e mau eu permanecia,
Jesus não me deixou até o fim,
E até chegar ao céu, habita em mim!
Todos os dias lado a lado andar.
Com Sua graça o mal afastar.
Quem senão Jesus pode nos guiar?
Só Ele pode a chuva e o sol criar!
Eu não receio nem o malfeitor;
Não tenho medo do perigo ou dor.
Jesus a morte Ele venceu, sim!
Jesus triunfou e habita em mim!
Senhor me ajude a carregar a cruz;
Brilha na sombra e mostre-me Sua Luz.
O amanhã em breve terá fim;
Vida ou morte Ele habita em mim!

[edit] Italian

O Dio d’amor, deh, ascolta il mio pregar:
Rendimi intento tutto al Tuo timor;
Per l’evangel desiro in Te abbondar
Di carità, di fé, di speme ognor.
O Dio d’amor, deh, ascolta il mio pregar:
La Tua parola scrivi nel mio cuor;
Altro non v’è che possa consolar;
Per essa sola sento in Te vigor.
O Dio d’amor, deh, ascolta il mio pregar:
Fammi secondo tutto il Tuo voler:
Con tutto il cuor, deh, fammi camminar
Ripieno di virtù nei Tuoi sentier.
O Dio d’amor, deh, ascolta il mio pregar:
Proseguirò conoscer Ti vieppiù…
D’ogni Tuo ben deh, fammi giubilar:
Nel nome Te lo chiedo di Gesù.

[edit] Hungarian

Maradj velem, mert mindjárt este van,
Nő a sötét, ó el ne hagyj, Uram:
Nincs senkim és a vigaszt nem lelem,
Gyámoltalannal, ó maradj velem.
Kis életem fut s hervadásba hull,
Bú lesz a vígság, fényesség fakul,
Csak változást és romlást lát a szem;
Változhatatlan, ó maradj velem.
Minden múló perc Hozzád visz közel,
Kegyelmed űzi kisértőmet el,
Nincs más vezérem, nincs más Mesterem,
Fényben, borúban, ó maradj velem.
Ellenség ellen áldásod fedez,
A könny nem sós, a kór is könnyű lesz,
Sír, halál-fúlánk, hol a győzelem?
Győztes leszek, csak légy, Uram, velem.
Húnyó szemembe vésd keresztedet,
Ködöt foszlatva láttasd szent eged.
Föld árnya fut, menny fénye megjelen:
Halálban is Te légy, Uram, velem.
Fordította: Áprily Lajos

[edit] Tune

information taken from http://www.cyberhymnal.org/htm/a/b/abidewme.htm

The tune most often heard with this hymn is Eventide (.ogg sound file), composed by William H Monk in 1861.

Alternate tunes include:

  • Abide with Me, Hen­ry Lyte, 1847
  • Morecambe, Fred­er­ick C. At­kins­on, 1870
  • Penitentia, Ed­ward Dearle, 1874

The tune can also be found here, as played by Clifton Stroud II on the boardwalk Hall Organ.

[edit] In Films and Television

  • The horror-drama 28 Days Later featured an eerie solo version of this hymn during a sequence in which the main character, Jim, sought out the home of his parents.
  • In the film A Bridge Too Far, wounded British paratroopers trapped in Arnhem sing this hymn at a field hospital during a ceasefire.
  • In a flashback during an episode of the television series Lost, this hymn is played on the organ as the character Charlie is in confession.
  • Independent movie Latter Days: the hymn is sung, while one of the protagonists returns the forgotten pocket watch of his lover whom he believes to be dead to his mother

[edit] References

  1. ^ RSA - Remembrance - ANZAC Day. Retrieved on 2006-05-14.
  2. ^ A Guide to Commemorative Services. Veterans Affairs Canada. Retrieved on 2006-10-08.
In other languages