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Re AGGLOS. This article is very good. It is astonishing how somebody without firsthand knowledge of the subject could compilate so much valuable information. There is just one point that has to be more accurately explanated to the readers who are not familiar with Swiss history:
The Aargau was from 1415 to 1798 Untertanenland of the Swiss Confederates, which means that the Argovians (Agglos is the name given to them today by the Swiss) were inhabitators of what in modern language woud be called "occupied territories". Their legal second class status was ended through their Liberation by Napoleon and the French army. --BZ(Bruno Zollinger) 13:51, 25 December 2005 (UTC)

It is requested that a photograph or photographs be included in this article to improve its quality, if possible.
Wikipedians in Switzerland may be able to help!