A Room with a Moose
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A Room with a Moose is an episode of the animated television series Invader Zim, originally produced as episode 9A, aired as episode 7A on August 17, 2001.
[edit] Plot details
In episode 7a of the first season, the Irken title character Zim attempts to take a bus load of Skool children and ship them off to get rid of them for good. He sends them via wormhole to a room with nothing but a moose in it. As this is happening, the only one who isn't fooled by Zim's illusion is Zim's nemesis, Earth-boy Dib. Dib attempts to stop the "driver" on the schoolbus to only find out it is a mechanical robot piloting a schoolbus shaped spaceship. He then finds a screen on the robot's face that shows Zim and his psychotic robot slave, GIR. As Zim talks to Dib he later shows him a disturbing scene where he throws walnuts into the room. Dib is almost driven to psychosis as the moose chomps away on the walnuts. Finally, Zim tells him to enjoy his "doom." GIR quickly corrects Zim, begging him to say "Moosey Fate" and Zim pauses for a few short seconds then finishes with "...YOUR MOOSEY FATE!"
The episode ends when Dib changes course at a fork in the wormhole and sends the bus back to the school.