A Pobra do Caramiñal

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A harbour in A Pobra do Caramiñal
A harbour in A Pobra do Caramiñal

A Pobra do Caramiñal is located in the entrance of one of the lower bays of the Galician coastline known as the "Ria de Arousa" in the Province of A Coruña. It is the next stop out of the ria (bay or more apropos 'fjord') after Boiro and is famous for its unusual festival procession in September.

Highlights of a visit to A Pobra do Caramiñal would focus on the large harbour which has keys for both commercial and leisure craft, the stunning Alameda which is partially tiled and partially gardened, the old town with its small plazas and coffee bars, and an impressive beach which has fine yellow sand and is recognize by the EU.

[edit] A Pobra do Caraminal’s harbour

The size of A Pobra do Caramiñal’s harbor and the number and scale of fishing vessels in it. Most tourist guides to this area will illuminate you about the fishing heritage of "Ribeira", just a few kilometers away, but A Pobra do Caramiñal is only mentioned in passing. That is a serious injustice since the main commercial port of Ribeira is closed to the public, whilst its smaller equivalent is there for all to see at A Pobra.

The fishing boats on display ranged from those which were only dinghy sized (called dornas), and left on the main ramp, to industrial sized fishing boats moored up at a key that extended in to the bay. There was plenty of activity and all the evidence pointed towards A Pobra’s fishing economy being prosperous and its bay being one of deep water.

Running the length of the harbour, and then continuing parallel with the beach, is a newly constructed footpath and if you choose to follow this you will quickly arrive at the second section of the port. Here you will find yachts, speedboats and a range of vessels that certainly don’t fall in to the commercial category. Again, all of these boats are moored up against a key that projects out to sea, but this time looks more like something you would expect to see at exclusive Porto Sin in the next bay up the coast.

There are two beaches in A Pobra that are now flying the blue flag of the EU. This testifies to the cleanliness of the beaches and the water of the Ria.

edit Municipalities of A Coruña Flag of Galicia

Abegondo | Ames | Aranga | Ares | Arteixo | Arzúa | A Baña | Bergondo | Betanzos | Boimorto | Boiro | Boqueixón | Brión | Cabana de Bergantiños | Cabanas | Camariñas | Cambre | A Capela | Carballo | Cariño | Carnota | Carral | Cedeira | Cee | Cerceda | Cerdido | Cesuras | Coirós | Corcubión | Coristanco | A Coruña | Culleredo | Curtis | Dodro | Dumbría | Fene | Ferrol | Fisterra | Frades | Irixoa | A Laracha | Laxe | Lousame | Malpica de Bergantiños | Mañón | Mazaricos | Melide | Mesía | Miño | Moeche | Monfero | Mugardos | Muros | Muxia | Narón | Neda | Negreira | Noia | Oleiros | Ordes | Oroso | Ortigueira | Outes | Oza dos Ríos | Paderne | Padrón | O Pino | A Pobra do Caramiñal | Ponteceso | Pontedeume | As Pontes de García Rodríguez | Porto do Son | Rianxo | Ribeira | Rois | Sada | San Sadurniño | Santa Comba | Santiago de Compostela | Santiso | Sobrado | As Somozas | Teo | Toques | Tordoia | Touro | Trazo | Val do Dubra | Valdoviño | Vedra | Vilarmaior | Vilasantar | Vimianzo | Zas

edit Roman Catholic Church - The five Dioceses of Galicia [1] Roman Catholic

Diocese of Ourense | Diocese of Tui-Vigo | Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela | Diocese of Ferrol-Mondoñedo | Diocese of Lugo

edit Galician Regions Flag of Galicia

Allariz - Maceda | Los Ancares | Arzúa | La Baja Limia | El Bajo Miño | El Barbanza | La Barcala | Bergantiños | Betanzos | Caldas | El Carballiño | Chantada | El Condado | A Coruña | El Deza | El Eume | Ferrol | Finisterre | La Fonsagrada | La Limia | Lugo | La Mariña Central | La Mariña Occidental | La Mariña Oriental | Meira | El Morrazo | Muros | Noya | Órdenes | Ourense | Ortegal | La Paradanta | Pontevedra | Quiroga | El Ribero | El Salnés | Santiago | El Sar | Sarria | Tabeirós - Tierra de Montes | La Terra Chá | La Tierra de Caldelas | La Tierra de Celanova | La Tierra de Lemos | La Tierra de Mellid | La Tierra de Soneira | La Tierra de Trives | La Ulloa | Valdeorras | Verín | Viana | Vigo | El Xallas