The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning

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The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning
Developer(s) Krome Studios
Publisher(s) Sierra Entertainment
Release date(s) United States October 10, 2006
European Union October 27, 2006
Australia November 2, 2006
Genre(s) Action
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: Everyone 10+
Platform(s) Nintendo DS, GameCube, Game Boy Advance, Playstation 2, Xbox
Input Gamepad

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning is the latest installment of the Spyro the Dragon series of video games, developed by Krome Studios of Australia. It is an origin story of Spyro's life, and serves as a "new beginning" for the Spyro series as a whole.


[edit] Gameplay

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning uses a more action-based focus than previous Spyro games, with a limited use of Spyro's gliding ability and a wider variety of combat moves. It is also shorter than previous Spyro games, with six levels that progress from a starting point towards a final destination and boss encounter in a linear fashion, and two rail shooter style flying levels adjoining them.

[edit] Setting

[edit] Plot

The game begins inside a temple, where a large red dragon named Ignitus is watching over an egg; it is the "Year of the Dragon", a time every twelve years when new dragon eggs are brought to the realm. A dragons' prophecy tells that every ten generations, a rare purple dragon will be born, who will direct the fate of that era; Ignitus is looking after such an egg.

However, the dragons are also at war, against enemies who are determined to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled; another dragon warns Ignitus that their forces are planning a raid on the temple and will arrive shortly. Ignitus takes the egg and escapes the temple before it is overrun, after which the enemy army pillages the grounds and demolishes the rest of the brood. Ignitus, meanwhile, lands in a nearby forest, places the egg in the broken cap of a mushroom and sends it downriver, hoping for the best. It floats down the currents into a swamp, where it is discovered by a family of dragonflies who decide to watch over it and see what emerges.

Spyro hatched from the egg (on the same day as one of the dragonflies' own offspring, Sparx) and is raised by the dragonflies; he accepts the world as he knew it and accepting himself as one of the dragonflies, despite being much larger than them and unable to fly.

One day, Spyro comes under attack by strange forces after chasing Sparx through a remote region of the swamp. Spyro fights back, and in doing so discovers that he can breathe fire; after successfully driving off the foes and returning home, his foster parents inform him that he comes from a different land, and is not a dragonfly at all. Spyro decides to leave the swamp to locate his true home; Sparx, after a talk with his father, decides to leave with Spyro as well.

While exploring the outer regions of the forest, Spyro is pursued by more hostile forces, but eventually comes into contact with Ignitus, residing in a small cave near a river. Ignitus is pleased to learn that Spyro is alive, but believes that little else can be done; he informs Spyro about the prophecy, their war against the Dark Master's forces, the loss of their temple, as well as Cynder, a dragon responsible for capturing three other powerful dragons.

Ignitus believes their war against the Dark Master's forces is lost and there is nothing left to do except try to live out his remaining days quietly and away from the Dark Master's forces, but Spyro insists on being taken to the temple. Ignitus reluctantly agrees, even though the temple is overrun by enemy forces and its doors sealed shut.

Spyro is able to find an alternate means into the temple and drive out the occupying forces, and Ignitus takes him to an outlook where he can see over the entire realm. War has reduced much of the dragon's realm to a barren wasteland, and most of it lies firmly under control of Cynder's armies. Spyro doubts that he can win back the lost territory, but Ignitus is inspired by Spyro's ability to cleanse the temple of intruders and convinces Spyro that he has to try.

One by one, Spyro is sent to three other islands across the realm to locate the other dragons, fighting Cynder's army and acquiring new skills and training along the way. It is learned that Cynder has been draining the dragons' power and creating crystals, and also that Cynder herself is merely a pawn serving the Dark Master, originally born from the same brood of eggs as Spyro. But after defeating Cynder's forces in the volcano of Boyzitbig and rescuing the dragon Terrador, Cynder attacks and pursues Spyro from the volcano; Ignitus fights Cynder off but is captured. Ignitus's power is the final step in opening a portal to the Dark Master's realm and breaking a seal imprisoning him, therefore Spyro is sent on a final assault against Cynder's fortress directly.

After fighting off more of Cynder's army and ascending her tower, Spyro confronts Cynder in order to save Ignitus, but during the battle Cynder is able to finish draining Ignitus's power into a crystal, and opens a portal into the dark realm. Ignitus fears that shadows will cover the realm and their cause is once again lost, but Spyro insists on trying and pursues Cynder through the portal, chasing her into a realm called 'Convexity', a link between their realm and the realm of the Dark Master. Spyro fights Cynder directly for a second time, ultimately using all of his power in a final attack to destroy Cynder's dark power, in the process returning her to her true state as a young dragon. The realm begins to collapse and Sparx insists that they escape quickly, but Spyro refuses to leave Cynder behind; in a close call, Spyro is able to snag Cynder and fly quickly out of the dark realm back towards the temple.

Peace is restored to the realms, although the victory against Cynder cost Spyro much of his own strength and power and it will be some time before Spyro recovers them. Spyro stares into space as Cynder asks him how he feels, and Spyro replies that he is worried - the Dark Master is still out there, and there may be more fighting to come.

[edit] Levels

[edit] Dragonfly Swamp

A relatively tranquil swamp region which is inhabited by the dragonfly family who raised Spyro. Its main threats come from the Frogweeds.

[edit] Dante's Freezer

An icy island, upon which stands a massive fortress of rock and ice. The exterior of the fortress is mainly rock, and is guarded by a number of wire fences and guard towers. Dante's Freezer is guarded by the Ice King, an armoured ice spirit. In the Nintendo DS version of the game you can see a cameo of Crash Bandicoot.

[edit] Tall Plains

A region characterised by grassy meadows and tall cliffs, it is home to Kane and his tribe; The Atlawas. The Tall Plains are home to a flying ship, which can be used to travel between the two main areas of the Tall Plains. It is guarded by the Stone Sentinel, a large rock golem.

[edit] Munitions Forge

An island dominated by the worryingly active volcano, Boyzitbig. The population, known as the Manweersmalls, have created an extensive network of mine tunnels and railway lines inside and around the volcano. Cynder's forces use the raw materials and machinery to create their own weapons. The boss of this area is a powerful steam engine, the name of which is simply given as "Steam", driven by a character who is known only as "The Conductor".

[edit] Cynder's Fortress

High in the skies, Cynder's Fortress is a gigantic, largely frozen structure with three main towers. Cynder herself resides at the top of the central tower, which Spyro must fight his way through a series of fixed fights to reach the top of. The path to the tower is guarded by massive numbers of Cynder's forces, as well as energy turrets and electrical fields. The scene often switches between the crystalline exterior of the fortress, which is guarded by elemental cannons and electrical fields, and the large interior rooms, which are generally guarded by enemies who will continue to come until a certain number are defeated. There are two bosses here - the Electric King (very similar to the Ice King, but powered by electricity) who guards the steps leading to Cynder's tower, and Cynder, who fights Spyro at the top of the central tower.

[edit] Convexity

Convexity is, according to Ignitus, the portal between Spyro's world and the dark realms. It is here that the Dark Master is apparently entombed. The area itself appears to be in outer space, with a number of planets and other objects visible in the background, and it is inhabited by strange energy-based life-forms which can be used as platforms. Scores of small, rocky, damaged-looking platforms lead to the central area, where the Dark Master is located. Spyro fights Cynder again here.

[edit] Characters

[edit] Spyro and Sparx

Spyro and Sparx are a more oddly matched pair, yet compatible pair of friends the world has never seen. Spyro hatched the same day Sparx did and became almost like brothers. When Spyro found out that he was not a dragonfly he leaves to find out what he really is and Sparx follows him and decides to go with him on his adventure. After meeting Ignitus the two journey across the land saving the other Dragon Guardians. After they rescued the third Guardian Cynder ambushed them, and Ignitus came and saved them, sacraficing himself. When they made their rescue attempt they followed Cynder to the Dark Master where they defeated her. The two then returned to the Temple with Cynder in her normal form where they were finally reunited with all of the Dragon Guardians.

[edit] Dragon Guardians

The Dragon Guardians consist of Volteer, Cyril, Terrador, and Ignitus. Volteer is a fast talking Electricity breathing Dragon. He teaches Spyro how to master Electricity. Cyril is a wise Dragon like Ignitus, however self absorbed, and breathes Ice, he teaches Spyro how to master it. Terrador is the last Guardian you save, and he is the Earth breather, and teaches Spyro how to master Earth. Ignitus is closer to Spyro than any other of the Dragon Guardians, he is the wisest Dragon, and teaches Spyro how to master Fire. By getting through these trainings , you become stronger and gain more skill and attacks.

[edit] Cynder

A large, powerful black dragon, Cynder serves as the primary antagonist in The Legend of Spyro. Although born from the same brood of eggs as Spyro, and in truth the same size and age as Spyro, Cynder's egg was seized by the Dark Master's forces and she was raised by them; under the influence of the Dark Master's power, Cynder grew to adult size and strength quickly, and was then able to defeat and capture three of the Dragon Guardians, collecting their power in order to unseal the Dark Master from imprisonment. After her defeat, Cynder returned to her original size and strength, and was safely returned to the Dragon Temple.

[edit] Voice actors

[edit] Reaction

The Legend of Spyro has received mixed but positive reviews, with most critics approving the game's direction as an improvement to the series although the gameplay has been criticised for being strictly linear and somewhat repetitive, despite Spyro's variety in attacks and abilities. It has been criticised for its slowly-paced cutscenes but commended for its graphics and high-quality Full Motion Video.

Spyro the Dragon • Ripto's Rage • Year of the Dragon • Enter the Dragonfly • The Cortex Conspiracy • A Hero's Tail • Shadow Legacy • A New Beginning

Spyro the Dragon