A Fall of Moondust

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A Fall of Moondust
cover -- S.F.Masterworks S.
Author Arthur C. Clarke
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre(s) Science fiction
Publisher Orion Publishing Group
Released 1961
Media Type Print (book)
Pages 224
ISBN ISBN 0-575-07317-9

A Fall of Moondust is a science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke, first published in 1961. It was nominated for a Hugo Award for Best Novel.

By the 21st century, the moon has been colonised, and is open to tourists who can afford the trip. Some of them are trapped after a lunar quake. Can they be rescued?

[edit] Plot details

By the 21st century, the moon has been colonised, and although still very much a research establishment, it is open to tourists who can afford the trip. One of its attractions is a "cruise" across one of the "Seas" that has filled over eons with very fine dust. The specially designed "boat" skims over the surface of the dust, which is so fine that it almost behaves like water.

But on one cruise, a problem develops. A Moonquake causes an underground cavern to collapse, upsetting the equilibrium. As the dustcruiser Selene passes over, it sinks several metres below the surface of the dust.

With limited air supply, no way for heat generated to escape, no communications and no one quite sure where they are, how will they get rescued? How will the occupants pass the time without psychologically cracking? It's the biggest challenge to date for Captain Pat Harris, and for Chief Engineer (Earthside) Lawrence, who must plan and successfully organise a rescue expedition.

[edit] Trivia

A Fall of Moondust was the first science fiction novel to be selected for Readers Digest Condensed Books

[edit] See also

The Novels of Arthur C. Clarke
Prelude to Space | The Sands of Mars | Islands in the Sky | Against the Fall of Night | Childhood's End | Earthlight | The City and the Stars | The Deep Range | A Fall of Moondust | Dolphin Island | Glide Path | 2001: A Space Odyssey | The Lion of Comarre & Against the Fall of Night | Rendezvous with Rama | Imperial Earth | The Fountains of Paradise | 2010: Odyssey Two | Songs of Distant Earth | 2061: Odyssey Three | Cradle | Rama II | The Ghost from the Grand Banks | The Garden of Rama | Rama Revealed | The Hammer of God | Richter 10 | 3001: The Final Odyssey | The Trigger | The Light of Other Days | Time's Eye | Sunstorm | The Last Theorem
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