A. E. Wilder-Smith

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Arthur Ernest Wilder-Smith (1915 - 1995), more commonly known as A. E. Wilder-Smith, was a creationist and a chemist, widely recognized by creationists as the pioneer of alternatives to the theory of evolution.


[edit] Introduction

Wilder-Smith is author and co-author of over 70 scientific publications and more than 30 books which have been translated into many different languages. He and creationist physicist Edgar Andrews debated biologists Richard Dawkins and John Maynard Smith in the Oxford Union's Huxley Memorial Debate in 1986 where Wilder-Smith and Andrews lost by 198 votes to 115 (there is some confusion over the creationist vote; in tape recordings of the event. which are still available on the internet, the Union President is clearly heard to say 150 not 115 when announcing the result).

After his death in 1995, Professor Dr. Alma von Stockhausen, a pronounced catholic scholar, dean at the Gustav-Siewerth-Akademie in Weilheim-Bierbronnen - a small private academy in Germany - had this to say about Wilder-Smith [1]:

“It is to Professor Wilder-Smith that I owe the scientific falsification of evolutionary theory, which had become the scientific concretion of Hegelian dialectics as the alternative to metaphysics and theology. Wilder-Smith was the first and only person to have the courage to refute evolutionary theory as a whole on a principle level. In the meantime there are a number of renowned critics of single aspects of evolutionary theory. But nobody has dared attack or question evolutionary theory as such outside of the narrow confines of their own specialty. This is because no philosopher or scientist has identified and recognized the diabolic perversion of the substitution of principles: development of the spirit out of nature at the expense of individual particularities—instead of the incarnation of the spirit for the redemption of persons enslaved by sin.”

[edit] Education

  • Studied Natural Sciences at Oxford, England

[edit] Bibliography

  • 1981 The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution
  • 1987 Scientific Alternative to Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Theory
  • 1988 He Who Thinks Has To Believe
  • 1988 The Creation of Life
  • 1990 Why Does God Allow It?
  • 1991 Is This a God of Love?
  • 1993 Man's Origin/Man's Destiny
  • 1993 The Time Dimension

[edit] References

Arthur Ernest Wilder-Smith, Christian Answers, retrieved August 3, 2006.

[edit] External links

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