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Hello, I am a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h. Although many people do not like to type my full name, if they don't, there will be HL to pay. I do not really know what to put here, although I like Halo. Halo 2 was kind of... not very good, to me. I am going to post some that I just wrote in a half an hour here, okay? All spelling mistakes are not to be corrected.

Hey there. Ima write this and talk about stuff, like the Dodgers. I don’t like them , the angels are beeter IMO. Right now, OBJECTION! Sorry, had to get that out of my system. Anyways, I was talking about this on RI and some guy wants me to tralk about why Luigi id better than Mario. Ireally dobn’t care abput him though. By the way, why is there so manu ref lines on the screen? They actually liook knid of nice. Some guy just posted something completely randonm on RI. Ima dontinue here now, but that sure was random. I am not wearing pants, bt here is a question for you....................What the **** is thjis ***&? I got b7’d from Gamefawqs once, and tjsat sucked, because oit was actually a usermap axe, so I couldn’t have my life back fro like 60 days. My newest neighbors are here, threy’re black. NMy nephew is running around doewn there too, ans he’s always hungrhy. Can you tell that I’m not editindg this paper? Id jhope so., I think Idds games are good, at least better than Halo 2’s single player but not as good as Phantom Dust orn Breakdown.Hi are the engrish languafe thanks for raping me.Ri doesn’t like m yh ewtroitng. But im do. It’s fn to just tuype random stuff.POeo,lpl say that thjeir eyes fief afyter rwading patrt of thius, but I like it and t lokks pertdftercty to nem,.And dufde on Ri yourre welcome. I wishh kiripi would tak to me, but dhe doesn’t like me anymoerwe. I think that the Protoemne rae a really good bsand., but almost none on I know theem They aare in Murfrreeesboro, which ids far wawy. I like pants. I wuish PSXer or Red Sake or COPM or someone really respected on Ri would be my friend. Does anyone know where I can find the VDG X faq? HYE is a goiod writer. Anyways Sony’s going tpo theh faillzorz with the PS3, it should be called the PSCOSTSTOOMOUICH! Anyways, I hat sony now, and The $500 dollar PS3 is too much for, em, I’ll follow that one mIcrosoft guys advice and buy a Wii and a 360. Why do people hate dshark rwptor? He oid coll I all ike him. Also, what kind of a loser has a name like Evil____Dragon? Red mages are badass. Well, I will tell you a word that will DESTROY THE WORLD or SAVE IT, your choice. It ios coming soon, as in end of this sentence soon............................Alright, I lied. It is coming soon, thioughjt. I got this idea from ian, but he is white abd not cool. I just thjpought haiser dude said, does your worlfd have fluffy metal chair, mcal? I loaughtd until I realixzesd he didn’t saw metal. The word is ocoming soon, in fact it is right here: Press this button to Destroy Earth! O You tried to press ot, didn’t you? Well, I led again. The word will be at the end of the snetanece two senetences after thisa. THE END!

Sorry about that, I just really like to post it. Also, I suck at drawing. You do not want to see some of the... "art" I have created. I hate wikipedia currently, because they have deleted the "The Protomen" article several times. My name is only 15 characters long because of Gamefaqs. I just created the most generic name I could on there. And of course, because I did not want to pay 599 US Dollars for it. Just like with Ridge Racer! RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER! I like Disgaea 2, by the way. And I have Xbox Live. I am Darth Alastor. Yes, I know that name is stupid. It's back from when I didn't know any better, though. The "Alastor" part comes from Viewtiful Joe, and he was my favorite character in that game. He has a ****ing sword! Anyways, I got KOTOR soon after I first saw Alastor, and so I decided to name my character after him, because he is badass. I was on the Dark side, so at the end, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I became Darth Alastor! And then I went to Disneyland, and I lived happily ever after. I like furries, too.