Political families by country: A-E

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This is a partial listing of prominent political families of the world, for countries with names starting from letters from A to E.

Royal families are not included, unless certain later descendants have played political roles in a republican structure (e.g. Cakobau Family of Fiji). See also Family dictatorship.

Other countries:


[edit] Albania

The Hoxha Family

The Kapo Family

  • Hysni Kapo (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)
  • Vito Kapo (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)
  • Piro Kondi (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)

The Moisiu Family (father-son)

  • Spiro Moisiu (former communist party official)

The Myftiu Family -Peristeri Family

  • Manush Myftiu (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)
  • Pilo Peristeri (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)

The Nano Family (father-son)

  • Thanas Nano (government broadcaster under Hoxha)

The Pashko Family (spouses)

  • Josif Pashko (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)
  • Eleni Terezi (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)

The Shehu Family

  • Mehmet Shehu (leading government official and close advisor to E. Hoxha)
  • Fiqrete Shehu (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party)
  • Kadri Hasbiu (member of the Central Committee of Albania's communist party; brother-in-law of Mehmet)

[edit] Antigua and Barbuda

The Bird Family

The Frank Family

  • Sir Hilbourne Frank (Chairman of the Barbuda Council)
    • Mackenzie Frank (nephew of Sir Hilbourne Frank; Senator)

[edit] Argentina

The de la Rúa Family

The Duhalde Family (spouses)

The Kirchner Family

The Menem-Yoma Family

  • Carlos Menem (President of Argentina, 1989-1999)
  • Eduardo Menem (brother of Carlos Menem; Peronist senator)
  • Jorge Yoma (brother-in-law of Carlos Menem; Peronist senator)

The Perón Family (husband-wives)

The Rodríguez Saá Family

The Saadi Family

The Sapag Family

  • Elías Sapag, MPN Senator
    • 'Pipe' Sapag, MPN Senator; son of Elías
    • Luz Sapag, MPN Senator; daughter of Elías
    • Jorge Sapag, MPN Vice-governor of Neuquén Province; candidate for governor; son of Elías
  • Felipe Sapag, MPN Governor of Neuquén five times; brother of Elías
    • Silvia Sapag, candidate for deputy; daughter of Felipe
    • Luis Felipe Sapag, MPN candidate for governor; son of Felipe
  • Amado Sapag, MPN mayor of Zapala; brother of Elías and Felipe

The Uriburu Family

[edit] Armenia

The Sargsyan Family (brothers)

[edit] Australia

The Anthony Family (grandfather-father-son)

The Barnard Family (father-son-nephew)

The Bashir Family-Shehadie Family (wife-husband)

The Beazley Family (father-son)

The Cain Family (father-son)

The Court Family (father-son)

(The tennis player Margaret Court is Richard Court's sister-in-law)

The Crean Family (father-sons)

The Downer Family (grandfather-father-son)

The Ferguson Family (father-sons)

The Fraser Family (grandfather-grandson)

The Hawke Family (uncle-nephew)

The Hodgman Family (grandfather-son-son-grandson)

The James Family(father-son)

  • Rowley James (Member of Parliament for Hunter, New South Wales 1924-1958)
  • Albert William "Bert" James (Member of Parliament for Hunter, New South Wales 1960-1980)

The Jenkins Family (father-son)

The Katter Family (father-son)

  • Bob Katter, Sr. (Member of Parliament for Kennedy, Queensland, 1966-1990)
    • Bob Katter (Member of Parliament for Kennedy, Queensland, 1993-present)

The Knowles Family (father-son)

The Lawrie Family (mother-daughter)

The Lyons Family (husband-wife-sons)

The McClelland Family (father-son-grandson)

The Newman Family (husband-wife-son)

The Playford Family (grandfather-grandson)

(Dr John Playford (1935-2003), leading Australian political scientist, was a great-grandson of Thomas Playford senior and a second cousin of Sir Thomas Playford.)

The Ruddock Family (father-son)

The Turnbull Family

The Watkins Family (father-son)

The Wooldridge Family (brother-sister)

The Wriedt Family (father-daughter)

  • Ken Wriedt, Whitlam-era federal minister and later Tasmanian Labor leader

[edit] Austria

The Habsburg Family of Austria ( (grandfather - father - children)

  • Charles I (Karl I), (Emperor of Austria 1916 - 1918, King of Hungary 1916 - 1918)

[edit] Azerbaijan

The Aliyev Family

[edit] The Bahamas

The Butler Family

The Pindling Family

The Symonette Family

The Turnquest Family

[edit] Bangladesh

The Chowdhury Family

The Mujibur Rahman Family

The Ziaur Rahman Family

[edit] Barbados

The Adams Family

The Barrow Family

[edit] Belgium

The Eyskens Family

[edit] Botswana

The Khama Family (husband-wife-son)

[edit] Brazil

The Brás-Moreira Family (cousins)

The Collor-Mello Family

The Fonseca Family

The Garotinho Family (spouses)

The Kubitschek Family

The Neves-Cunha Family

  • Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil)
  • Tristão Ferreira da Cunha (Congressional Deputy from Minas Gerais)
  • Aécio Cunha (Congressional Deputy from Minas Gerais)
  • Aécio Neves da Cunha (Governor of Minas Gerais)

The Sarney Family (father-daughter)

The Vargas-Peixoto Family

  • Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (President of Brazil)
  • Lutero Vargas (Congressional Deputy from Rio de Janeiro)
  • Alzira Vargas do Amaral Peixoto (lawyer, Presidential advisor and author)
  • Ernani do Amaral Peixoto (Governor of Rio de Janeiro State)
  • Ivete Vargas Tatsch (Congressional Deputy from São Paulo State)

[edit] Bulgaria

The Zhivkov Family

The Stanishev Family

  • Dimitar Stanishev (former Communist leader)
  • Sergey Stanishev (Socialist leader, Member of Parliament, Prime Minister 2005-present)

The Bokov Family

  • Georgi Bokov (former Communist leader, former media boss)
  • Filip Bokov (former Socialist leader, Member of Parliament, Presidential advisor)
  • Irina Bokova (former Foreign Minister, ran for Vice-President, Member of Parliament, Ambassador to France)

[edit] Burkina Faso

The Compaoré Family

The Yaméogo Family

[edit] Burma

The Aung San Family (parents-daughter)

The Win Family (father-daughter)

[edit] Burundi

The Bagaza-Buyoya Family

[edit] Canada

The Bennett family (father-son)

The Chiarelli family (cousins)

The Clement Family (stepfather-stepson)

The Copps Family (father-daughter)

The Dewar Family (mother-son)

The Grewal Family (husband-wife)

The Hampton family - Martel family (husband-wife, wife's father and maternal grandfather)

The Jackman family (grandfather, son-in-law, son-in-law's children)

The Johnson family (father-sons)

The Layton] family (grandfather, father, son, wife)

(Jack Layton is also a descendant of William Steeves, a Father of Confederation and Senator, on his maternal side.)

The Lewis family (father and son)

The Lougheed family (grandfather and grandson)

The MacKay family (father-son)

The Manning Family (father-son)

The Martin family (father-son)

The Macdonald family (father-son)

The Mackenzie King family (grandfather-grandson)

The McGuinty family (father-son)

The Meighen Family (father, son, daughter, grandson, grandson's stepfather)

The Nixon family (grandfather, father, daughter)

The Regan family (father-son)

The Roblin family (grandfather-grandson)

The Rowe family (father-daughter)

The Sifton family (father-sons)

  • John Wright Sifton MLA, speaker of the house in Manitoba

The Sinclair family - Trudeau family (grandfather, son-in-law, grandson)

[edit] Central African Republic

The Boganda Family - Dacko Family -Domitien Family and Bokassa Family (distant relatives)

The Kolingba Family

[edit] Chile

The Alessandri Family

The Errázuriz Family

The Frei Family (father-son)

The Montt Family

The Pinto Family

[edit] Republic of China/People's Republic of China

The Chiang Family (father-sons-grandson)

The Soong Family (father-son-3 daughters)

[edit] Colombia

The Lleras Family -Restrepo Family

The López Family

The Pastrana Family

[edit] Comoros

The Ahmed Family (grandfather-grandson)

The Said Family

The Soilih Family (half-brothers)

[edit] Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Kabila Family (father-son)

The Kabila family is also related by marriage to the Sassou-Nguesso and Bongo families of the Republic of the Congo and Gabon, respectively. This list is below under the Gabon heading.

The Mobutu Family (father-son-distant relative)

[edit] Cook Islands

The Henry Family

  • Albert Henry, Chief Minister
    • Sir Geoffrey Henry, Chief Minister

[edit] Costa Rica

The Arias-Sánchez Family

The Calderón-Guardia Family

The Figueres Family

The Jiménez Family

[edit] Croatia

The Tudjman Family

[edit] Cuba

The Castro Family

[edit] Cyprus

The Denktas Family

[edit] Czechoslovakia

The Masaryk Family

[edit] Denmark

The Hækkerup Family

  • Hans Kristen Hækkerup (Member of The Folketing (Tje Danish Parliment), 1920-1929, and Mayor of Ringsted, 1927-29)
    • Hans Erling Hækkerup (son of Hans Kristen Hækkerup; Minister of Justice and later Minister of the Interior, 1953-1968, Member of the Folketinget 1945-47 and 1948-71)
    • Per Hækkerup (son of Hans Kristen Hækkerup; Foreign Minister, Minister of Trade and Industry 1962-1979)
    • Karen Margrete Hækkerup (wife of Per Hækkerup, Member of The Folketing 1964-66 and 1970-81)
      • Hans Hækkerup (son of Per Hækkerup, Minister of Defence 1993-2000, Member of The Folketing)
      • Lise Ingeborg Hækkerup (ex-wife of Hans Hækkerup, Member of The Folketing 1990-1994, 1998-2001 and a bit of 2004)
      • Klaus Hækkerup (son of Per Hækkerup, Mayor of Fredensborg-Humlebæk 1978-1988, Member of The Folketing 1988- )
        • Nick Hækkerup (son of Klaus Hækkerup, Mayor of Hillerød 2000- )
        • Ole Hækkerup (son of Klaus Hækkerup, Member of The Folketing 1998-2001)
        • Karen Angelo Hækkerup (wife of Ole Hækkerup, Member of The Folketing 2005-)

[edit] Djibouti

The Aptidon-Guelleh Family

[edit] Dominica

The Douglas Family

  • R. B. D. Douglas (Member of Parliament for Portsmouth)
    • Adenauer "Washway" Douglas (son of R. B. D. Douglas; Mayor of Portsmouth)
    • Michael Douglas (son of R. B. D. Douglas; Member of Parliament for Portsmouth)
      • Ian Douglas (son of Michael Douglas; Member of Parliament for Portsmouth)
    • Rosie Douglas (son of R. B. D. Douglas; Prime Minister of Dominica, 2000)

[edit] Dominican Republic

The Bosch Family

The Trujillo Family

[edit] Ecuador

The Arosemena Family

The Plaza Family

[edit] Egypt

The Ghali Family

[edit] El Salvador

The Meléndez-Quiñónez Family

[edit] Equatorial Guinea

The Nguema Family (close relatives)

  • Francisco Macías Nguema (President, 1968-1979)
  • Ela Nguema (presidential aide)
  • Eyegue Ntutumu (governor of Río Muni)
  • Masie Ntutumu (minister of interior)
  • Bonifacio Nguema Esono Nchama (vice president)
  • Oyono Ayingono (finance minister)
  • Maye Ela (head of the navy)
  • Feliciano Oyono (leader of Macías' PUNT party)
  • Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo (President, 1979-)
  • Teodorín Nguema Obiang (forestry minister)
  • Constancia Mangue de Obiang (first lady)
  • Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue (infrastructure minister)
  • Armengol Ondo Nguema (director of security)
  • Antonio Mba Nguema (police chief)
  • Agustín Ndong Ona (military inspector-general)
  • Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima (mining minister)
  • Demetrio Elo Ndong Nsefumu (first deputy prime minister)
  • Alejandro Evuna Owono Asangono (chief of the presidency)
  • Marcelino Oyono Ntutumu (transport minister)
  • Lucas Nguema Evono Mbang (sports minister)
  • Jaime Obama Owono Nchama (minister-delegate for infrastructure)
  • Manuel Nguema Mba (minister-delegate for the interior)
  • Pastor Micha Ondo Bile (foreign affairs minister)
  • Rubén Maye Nsue Mangue (justice minister)
  • Clemente Engonga Nguema Onguéné (interior minister)
  • Baltasár Engonga Edjo (economy minister)
  • Cristóbal Menana Ela (energy minister)
  • Teresa Efua Asangono (women's affairs minister)
  • Francisco Edu Ngua Okomo (secretary of state for foreign affairs)
  • Victoriana Nchama Nsue Okomo (secretary of state for foreign affairs)
  • Francisco Mabale Nseng (secretary of state for energy)
  • Melchor Esono Edjo (secretary of state for the treasury)

[edit] Estonia

The Grünthal Family

  • Timotheus Grünthal
    • Ivar Grünthal (son of Timotheus Grünthal)

The Helme Family

  • Mart Helme
    • Martin Helme (son of Mart Helme)

The Mark Family (brothers)

The Mathiesen Family

The Must Family

  • Aadu Must
    • Kadri Must (daughter of Aadu Must)

The Päts Family

  • Konstantin Päts
    • Viktor Päts (son of Konstantin Päts)
      • Matti Päts (grandson of Konstantin Päts)
    • Leo Päts (son of Konstantin Päts)
  • Peeter Päts (brother of Konstantin Päts)
  • Voldemar Päts (brother of Konstantin Päts)

The Savisaa Family

  • Edgar Savisaar
  • Vilja Savisaar (wife of Edgar Savisaar)
    • Maria Savisaar (daughter of Edgar Savisaar)