A+ (S-train)

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A+ is a service on the S-train network in Copenhagen. It runs from Køge to Buddinge on Mondays to Fridays until about 19:00, serving almost all stations on the Køge radial and the inner half of Hareskovbanen. On Saturdays it runs from Køge to Østerport only.

[edit] Stations

[edit] History

The A+ service can be traced back to the rush-hour Ax extras that began running when the first part of the Køge radial opened in 1972. It was upgraded to the daytime supplement K in 1992 and quickly renamed to A+ in 1993:

Name Southern end Years Northern end
Ax Køgebugtbanen:
all stops to Vallensbæk
1972–1976 terminated at Hellerup
all stops to Hundige 1976–1979
to Hundige but stopping where? 1979–1983 terminated at Hellerup or Østerport?
to Hundige, non-stop København H - Friheden 1983–1992 terminated at Østerport
K 1992–1993
A+ 1993–1995
to Køge, non-stop København H - Sjælør - Friheden 1995–1998
as above, plus stop at Sydhavn 1998–2002
as above, plus stop at Dybbølsbro 2002–2005
2006–2007 Hareskovbanen:
to Buddinge Mon-Fri
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