540 kick

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The 540 kick or inside turning kick is a martial arts move present in Taekwondo, Shaolinquan, Capoeira, and various other martial arts disciplines. This technique is so named because, at completion, the performer has performed a rotation of approximately 540 degrees (although usually, when performed correctly, the performer has really only done a spin of 360 degrees not including whatever takeoff they used). However, the most prominent defining feature is that the same leg is used for taking off, kicking and landing. The other leg just helps to get the performer into the air, and gets pulled back before the landing. Many martial arts tricksters choose this move as their first move to attempt.

This kick is also often referred to as simply a 540, specifically among tricksters. Inside turning kick and Tornado kick are more common among martial artists.

[edit] Variations

Like most variations of martial arts kicks, the name of the kick is normally determined by the position of the foot, degree of rotation and positioning of the hips, and any additional kicks that may be added.

  • 540 Crescent
    This is the most traditional variation of the kick. The kick is executed as a crescent kick, meaning that the toes are pointed directly up. If aiming for a target, the target would be hit with the inside of the foot (from the heel to the big toe).
  • 540 Roundhouse
    This version is rotates the hips about 90° more than a crescent before executing the kick. The kick is executed as a roundhouse kick, meaning the foot is flat and the toes are pointing straight forward. If aiming for a target, the target would be hit with the top of the ankle to avoid breaking the toes.
  • Lazyboy 540
    Also referred to as simply a Lazyboy, this version is partically identical to a typical 540. The defining characteristic is that the hands are placed on the back of the head. Sometimes they're placed on top of the head. This is to simulate the image of a person relaxing or laying down. Tricksters do this to show the ease in which they can perform the trick, that they don't need the momentum of the arms to complete the trick, and/or to add style to the trick.
  • Sideswipe
    Though, the body mechanics/execution are different, the Sideswipe and 540 are often categorized together because they both use the same leg to take off, kick, and land. This version is similar to a 540 kick, but the body is spinning as close to horizontal as possible. After the non-kicking leg is thrown up in the take-off, the body is leaned back so it is spinning horizontally. This move is not very useful as a fighting move, because it is hard to direct the kick to actually hit someone, and if the foot actually hits the target, all rotation will stop and the performer will be left without a leg to land on. Some may say this is the same case for the normal 540, but in the sideswipe, the body will be horizontal and it will be much more difficult to quickly direct the other foot to the ground to land on.
  • Crescent 540
    Not to be confused with the 540 crescent, a crescent 540 is were a crescent kick is thrown out with one leg before the 540 kick is thrown with the other, essentially executing two separate kicks during the same motion. A slight variation of this is were the crescent kick is thrown as a sideways snap kick, followed by a round house kick. The hips must be rotated more before the kicks are thrown and the body tilts in the direction of the kicks, which can cause a person to lose their balance on the landing.
  • 540 Wheel
    Also called a 540 crescent(which can make it confusing to distinguish between this kick and the one above), a 540 hook, and a Cheat 720. It uses the same takeoff, but instead of using the jumping leg to kick, the performer spins around another 90-180 degrees and performs a kick with the other leg. This kick can be either a hook or a crescent kick depending on the position of the foot.
  • Jacknife
    This is similar to a crescent 540 in that each leg does its own kick, however, the 540 kick (either crescent or roundhouse) is thrown out first. Immediately following the first kick, the other leg throws a heel kick. Ideally, both kicks should be executed before the first 540 kick lands. The mechanics to this variant are practically identical to a 540 wheel or cheat 720.
  • 540 Triple
    This is the combination of a crescent 540 and a jacknife, essentially executing three separate kicks during the same motion. One with the landing leg and two with the other.
  • 540 Gyro
    In this move, the user will execute the typical 540 kick but instead of landing immediately on the kicking leg, he/she will rotate an additional 180-360 degrees before landing. It is rather uncommon in the tricking community, but used frequently in wushu
  • 540 to the splits
    The traditional 540 however can be landed into the splits simply by sending the kicking leg backwards after the kick as been executed and extending the other leg forward during the landing. Theoretically, most every trick can be landed in the splits, however, landing some of the more advanced versions of tricks like this would require extra height in the jump, extra rotation of the body, and a very keen sense of timing and spatial awareness.