430 BC

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Centuries: 6th century BC · 5th century BC · 4th century BC
Decades: 460s BC 450s BC 440s BC 430s BC 420s BC 410s BC 400s BC
Years: 433 BC 432 BC 431 BC 430 BC 429 BC 428 BC 427 BC

[edit] Events

[edit] By place

[edit] Greece

  • The army of Sparta loots Attica for a second time, but Pericles is not daunted and refuses to revise his initial strategy. Unwilling to engage the Spartan army in battle, he again leads a naval expedition to plunder the coasts of the Peloponnesus, this time taking 100 Athenian ships with him.
  • Potidaea finally capitulates to the siege by Athenian forces in the winter.
  • An outbreak of a plague hits Athens. The plague ravages the densely packed city. The plague wipes out over 30,000 citizens, sailors and soldiers as well as Pericles' two sons. Roughly one quarter of the Athenian population dies. The fear of plague was so widespread that the Spartan invasion of Attica is abandoned, their troops being unwilling to risk contact with the diseased enemy.
  • Pericles becomes ill from the plague but he recovers, temporarily. Pericles is deposed from his position as General (or Strategos), but is later reappointed.

[edit] By topic

[edit] Art

[edit] Births

[edit] Deaths