27 True Runes

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The 27 True Runes are plot devices in the Japanese videogame RPG series, Suikoden, made by Konami.


[edit] Background

The backbone of the Suikoden World, and the power that allows the existence of the universe, True Runes are effectively the deities of the Suikoden world. Each True Rune represents a certain power and, together these powers create the fabric of reality.

Wholly sentient with their own independent wills, each True Rune holds immeasurable power. Many have been the cause of wars or have turned the tides of war in a matter of moments. True Runes are often sought by those in power due to their ability to grant agelessness to their bearers. All bearers of True Runes stop aging and become immune to disease and all other natural causes of death, although they could still die from physical causes such as accidents or murder. There are some True Runes that grant the bearer their powers, but suck their life away as they use that power. While these do grant immortality of sorts, far too often the bearer succumbs and uses the powers, ending their life early. All True Runes are equal in overall power, but some have abilities that are more suited to combat than others, including some that manifest in this world as physical weapons.

A True Rune's sentience, or ego, can overwhelm a bearer who lacks the strength of will to resist it. This often reduces a True Rune's bearer into a mere vessel that the True Rune controls to achieve its own purposes. However, with time, it is possible for a Rune bearer to gain control over their burden and potentially twist the Rune to his or her will. It's arguable whether they actually achieve mastery, however. It is instead quite possible that the Rune is actually bending the bearer's perceptions to meet its own ends.

All True Runes hold a purpose, and tend to pursue them with no moral consideration. True Runes may cause their bearers to save lives, but also may force their bearers to unwillingly kill thousands of people if it serves the Rune's purpose. Some Runes, when unsealed and carried by an individual, are able to drive their bearer insane, making them extremely dangerous to use. Some True Runes prefer not to take a living host, but instead reside elsewhere, such as is witnessed by the Beast Rune taking up residence inside a castle.

True Runes can be quite fickle, and can abandon a bearer in favor of another, more suitable host. When the bearer of a True Rune dies for whatever reason, the Rune often vanishes and hides from the world (within the earth or at the bottom of the ocean, for example) until it feels like reappearing, though many will immediately choose a new host to further their plans. Due to the nature of the True Runes, possibly due to their willpower, it is impossible, by normal methods, for a body to play host to more than one; however, the court magician for the former Scarlet Moon Empire, Windy, claimed to possess a method to bear two True Runes.

Hikusaak, the High Priest of the Kingdom of Harmonia and bearer of the Circle Rune, is rumored to have the goal of acquiring and controlling all 27 True Runes for the purpose of creating a world of true order. To circumvent the limitation of one True Rune per bearer, Hikusaak created clones of himself, each to bear one True Rune and be loyal to Hikusaak unto death. The Harmonian Bishops Luc and Sasarai are two such clones. Whether any other such clones are currently active is unknown.

Each True Rune governs specific aspects of reality in the universe such as chaos, death, darkness, life, light, and order. Each Rune allegedly holds an alignment in the Order-Chaos scale, and all 27 True Runes together maintain a balance in the world. The removal of a single Rune from this balance could tip the scales in favour of one side. As well, should a Rune ever be actually destroyed, not just split, as was attempted by the Bishop Luc, the resulting explosion could potentially level an entire continent, if not more, and forever alter the forces of nature. As this has never occurred, the description of the outcome is only known by Luc's estimation of the devastation. The destruction of a True Rune is also a symbolic rebellion against destiny in the universe of Suikoden.

[edit] Creation myth

In the beginning, there was "darkness." Then, the "darkness" shed a "tear."
From that "tear," the brothers Sword and Shield were born.
Shield claimed it could defend against any attack.
Sword claimed it could slice through anything.
The brothers began a legendary battle.
At the end, both Sword and Shield shattered.
Sword became the sky, Shield became the earth, and the sparks from the battle became the stars.
As for the jewels, they fell to the ground and became the True Runes--The runes that all other runes were born from.

It is uncertain as to the true origin of the 27 True Runes, but the legend of Sword and Shield, the two brothers, as presented here from Suikoden II, is widely believed by the populace of the Suikoden world to tell the origin of the Runes. In short, the legend states that the two brothers, Shield and Sword, fought with one another; when the two finally managed to defeat one another, they formed the world and the jewels that had adorned them became the True Runes.

[edit] List of True Runes

Listed below are the known True Runes, in alphabetical order. 18 True Runes have been confirmed thus far. Information listed on here is up to, and including, the Second Fire Bringer War in 475 of the Solar Calendar. All information on bearers is accurate to this year, given official information.

[edit] Beast Rune

Previous Bearers: Harmonia, Blight Family
Current Bearer: Unknown
Child Runes: Beast Rune

The Beast Rune is a prime example of the freewill of the True Runes. Once thought controlled by Harmonia, the Beast Rune relocated itself to the newly constructed L'Renouille Palace. To cover the fact that they could not control the Rune, Harmonia had one of their high priests 'present' the Rune to the Blight family of Highland as a gift. The Rune spent most of its time dormant in the throne room of the palace until awoken by Luca Blight in the year 460 of the Solar Calendar. During the conquest of Muse, many of its citizens were sacrificed by Luca to fully activate the Rune. After the death of Luca by the New City-State Army, the new king of Highland, Jowy Atreides, used his own Rune, the Black Sword Rune, to help hold back the Beast Rune at great danger to his own health. Following the flight of Atreides from the palace, the Rune was awakened by Leon Silverburg when the New City-State Army stormed the fortress; despite popular opinion, his object was for the invaders to put the Rune back to sleep. After presenting an incarnation of itself for battle, the Rune was defeated and fled from L'Renouille when the castle collapsed. Its current location is unknown.

[edit] Rune of Beginning

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: None (Rune is divided)
Child Runes: None

The Rune of Beginning is unique in that, ordinarily, it is divided into two other Runes: the Bright Shield and the Black Sword. However, the Rune has an amazing amount of willpower and drives the bearers of its two halves to battle one another until the Rune is reunited. The Black Sword and Bright Shield Runes are not True Runes unless they are united and become The Rune of Beginning. However, thanks to the adopted son of the hero Genkaku, Riou, and Jowy Atreides, the Rune has been united back into its original form.

[edit] Black Sword Rune

Previous Bearers: Han Cunningham
Current Bearer: Jowy Atreides-Blight
Child Runes: None
An incarnation of the destructive forces necessary to facilitate "the beginning", the Black Sword Rune manifests itself similar to the "Sword" from the creation myth - all of its spells are attack related and manifest themselves as deadly blades. To avoid defeating one another, Han Cunningham had an agreement with Genkaku to seal their Runes away. When Jowy Atreides later acquired the Rune, it would drive him away from his lifetime friend, Riou, and cause them to become the leaders of opposing sides of a war that would force one of them to destroy the other, their two destinies forever intertwined. However, Jowy began to sacrifice some of his life to the Rune to keep the Beast Rune sealed, showing that the Black Sword Rune is, at the very least, as powerful as other full True Runes. Eventually, the two would overcome the curse to fight one another thanks to Riou refusing to end Jowy's life.

[edit] Bright Shield Rune

Previous Bearers: Genkaku
Current Bearer: Riou
Child Runes: Shield Rune
An incarnation of the protective forces necessary to facilitate "the beginning", the Bright Shield Rune manifests itself as the "Shield" from the creation myth. All of the spells of the Rune are generally healing or protective in nature, or otherwise enhance the status of those accompanying the bearer. Although they were friends, Genkaku and Han Cunningham had been driven to fight one another because of the Runes. To save themselves the defeat, they sealed away the Runes. When Genkaku's adopted son, Riou, claimed the Rune, he and his lifetime friend Jowy Atreides would eventually be forced apart by the Runes and become leaders of opposing forces. Riou would eventually allow the two to overcome the curse when he refuses to end the life of Jowy.

[edit] Circle Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Hikusaak
Child Runes: Unknown

The Circle Rune, borne by High Priest Hikusaak of Harmonia, is shrouded in mystery. Not much is known about the Circle Rune. The Kingdom of Harmonia itself is a representation of the Circle Rune's role of imposing order in the world. It is speculated that Hikusaak used this True Rune to create clones of himself (Luc and Sasarai) for the sole purpose of bearing the True Wind and True Earth Runes, respectively.

[edit] Dragon Rune

Previous Bearers: Joshua Levenheit
Current Bearer: Milia
Child Runes: Unknown

The Dragon Rune is one of the runes that ties the human world to others, allowing dragons to cross over into the human world and survive there. Should the bearer die and the Rune go without a host, all dragons currently in the world are said to perish and no others allowed access. Once held by Joshua Levenheit, the head of the Dragon Knights of the Toran Republic, the Rune was eventually passed to his second in command, Milia; as the dragon Bright did not perish between the events of Suikoden II and Suikoden III (when the transfer must have taken place), it is reasonable to surmise that simply passing a Rune from one bearer to another does not cause the aforementioned extinction of dragons. The Rune also has some power to banish summoned monsters, as it is used in combination with the Back Gate Rune to dismiss the army of monsters summoned by the Front Gate Rune at the last major battle of the Gate Rune Wars.

[edit] Gate Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Leknaat (Back), Windy (Front)
Child Runes: Pale Gate Rune

Once held by the Gate Rune Clan, the Gate Rune possesses the ability to connect the various dimensions of reality in the universe of Suikoden. Because of this, the bearer holds great responsibility. When the Clan was wiped out in 78 of the Solar Calendar, the Rune was split in two by Leknaat and Windy, who then went their separate ways to keep the Rune safe. Later, the two halves of the Rune would find themselves on opposing sides of the "Gate Rune War" that saw the formation of the Toran Republic. Currently, the Rune is still divided, with one half (the Back) possessed by the seer Leknaat; the location of the Front Gate Rune is unknown as Windy plumetted from the Floating Gardens above Gregminster at the end of the war.

[edit] Back Gate Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Leknaat
Child Runes: Pale Gate Rune
A half of the Gate Rune, the Back Gate Rune is possessed by the seeress Leknaat in her sanctuary on Magician's Island. At the end of the Gate Rune War, she would use the half, along with the assistance of Joshua Levenheit's Dragon Rune to banish the monsters summoned by the opposing force. Although not confirmed, it is believed that the Back Gate Rune grants her the ability to create her visage to appear before others from the safety of her tower, as well as insight into the destiny of the universe of Suikoden.

[edit] Front Gate Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Windy
Child Runes: Pale Gate Rune
A half of the Gate Rune, the Front Gate Rune was possessed by Windy and used many times in her attempts to gain power for herself, including spawning the "Black Runes" used to control the various members of the Scarlet Moon Empire. At the end of the Gate Rune War, she would use the Rune half to summon forth an army from The World of Emptiness with the assistance of Yuber and, supposedly, his Hachifusa Rune.

[edit] Hachifusa Rune (Eightfold Rune)

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Yuber
Child Runes: Eight Devil

Not much is known about the Hachifusa Rune, except that it is said to be held by Yuber. Although it may be linked to his status as a creature from another world, Yuber is seen to have summoned an undead dragon, a power which is believed to be linked to the Rune. The novelization of Suikoden also states that he had a legion of his owned summoned forces at the last battle of the Gate Rune War, furthering the belief. Due to Yuber's connection with Pesmerga it is often speculated that Pesmerga also holds a true rune however this has not been confirmed.

The Hachifusa Rune is often translated to Eightfold Rune.

[edit] Moon Rune

Previous Bearers: Neclord
Current Bearer: Sierra Mikain
Child Runes: Unknown

The Moon Rune contains one of the greatest curses of all the True Runes - the bearer turns into a vampire and goes on a blood thirsty rampage until they master the Rune. The Rune has only ever known one true bearer, Sierra Mikain, who would later become Coven Mistress of the Blue Moon Village which she created to help the vampires control their bloodlust. Shortly afterwards, she placed the Rune at an altar at the center of the village. One of the vampires of the village, Neclord, would eventually steal the Rune, although it would still recognize Sierra as its true master when she later caught up to him. During the Dunan Unification War, the power of the Rune was activated by Neclord by sacrificing 100 people to it, though the exact nature of the power is unknown.

[edit] Night Rune

Previous Bearers: Viktor
Current Bearer: Edge
Child Runes: Star Rune

The Night Rune is one of the unique phenomena of the Suikoden universe. According to an ancient tome, the Night Rune was once one with Sun Rune, but took the form of a sword to sever the bond between them. The Dawn and Twilight Runes are fragments left behind from the fission. The Rune's new form, known as the Star Dragon Sword, is capable of speaking to the outside world as if it were a living person. Because of its nature, the Rune, and hence the Sword, is capable of destroying "creatures of the night" and is used against the vampire Neclord by Viktor. The Rune is also mysterious in that the sorceress Zerase claims to be the daughter of the Night Rune, and that she had her own Star Rune bestowed upon her by the Rune itself. While the rune itself is never technically had a human bearer of which we are aware, the bearer of the Star Dragon Sword has been listed as the bearer here to keep track of the location of the Rune.

[edit] Rune of Punishment

Main article: Rune of Punishment
Previous Bearers: Queen of Obel, Graham Cray, Cray's Son, Rakghi's Father, Steele, Brandeau, Glen Cott
Current Bearer: Lazlo
Child Runes: Condemnation

The Rune of Punishment holds a grave curse - it grants the bearer power to protect those around them, embedding itself in their left hand. However, that power comes at a great cost - every time the Rune is used, it devours a portion of the person's life, shortening their lifespan greatly. Many bearers never have the chance to use the Rune more than once before succumbing to the powers of the Rune and perishing, allowing the Rune to select a nearby host to serve as its next meal. When it was discovered by the Queen of Obel on the hand of a man who had sealed himself in the Obel Ruins and subsequently perished, she was chosen as the next host. She had a chance to use the Rune only once, to save the Obel forces from an enemy force, before perishing. Eventually the Rune found its way to Graham Cray, who could not stand the burden and severed his lower left arm to be free of the Rune; however, the Rune selected his son as the next host. After the death of the boy at the hands of the Rune, it moved through history, eventually finding its way into the hands of the pirate king, Steele, who passed it onto Brandeau upon his death. When Brandeau was slain after using the Rune's power to destroy a group of Marine Knights from Razril, Glen Cott became the next unfortunate bearer. He would eventually use the Rune to protect Razril, allowing the Rune to finally take Lazlo as a host. However, Lazlo bore the curse well, eventually forgiving his wayward friend, Snowe Vingerhut, and allowing the Rune to enter its Forgiveness stage where it would no longer consume his life. Thus, it is assumed that Lazlo still bears the Rune to this day.

[edit] Rune of Life and Death

Previous Bearers: Ted's Grandpa, Ted, Fog Ship Guide
Current Bearer: Tir McDohl
Child Runes: Darkness

Until 150 of the Solar Calendar, the Rune of Life and Death (also known as the Soul Eater) was housed in the Village of the Hidden Rune by Ted's grandfather. When Windy, Neclord and Yuber attacked, however, the Rune was passed to Ted to keep it safe. Ted wandered the world for many years following the destruction of the village and eventually came across the Fog Ship, where he met the Fog Ship Guide and surrendered the Souleater to him. When the Fog Ship Guide tried to take the Rune of Punishment from Lazlo, Ted fought against the Fog Ship Guide with the bearer and Lino En Kludes. Reclaiming his Rune, Ted would eventually part ways with Lazlo, wandering the world until he was found by Teo McDohl. When Windy came searching for the Rune, it was passed on to Tir McDohl in order to keep it away from the sorcereress. Tir would ultimately lose Odessa Silverberg, his close friend Gremio, his own father and even Ted himself to the Rune's curse. Eventually, thanks to the power of the Stars of Destiny, Gremio was revived and would accompany Tir in his solitude, having supposedly become immune to the Rune's curse.

[edit] Sovereign Rune

Previous Bearers: Rugner Family
Current Bearer: Unknown
Child Runes: Unknown

The Sovereign Rune is one of the examples of a Rune taking up host on something that isn't living - the Rune was embedded into the sword of Barbarossa Rugner, the Dragon King Sword. Prior to the possession by the Rugner family, the Rune was stored in the Holy City of Rupanda, which would later be renamed Gregminster with the rise of the Scarlet Moon Empire. As the heirloom of the Rugner family, the Rune would be embedded in an object possessed by each ruler as a sign of their absolute rule. The Rune offered protection against all other runes, including the sorceress Windy's Black Rune, as well as allowed Rugner to transform himself into a golden three-headed hydra. The current location of the Rune is unknown as Barbarossa plunged off of Gregminster's Floating Gardens with Windy, taking the sword, and thus the Rune, with him.

[edit] Sun Rune

Previous Bearers: Armes Dynasty, Arshtat
Current Bearer: Falenan Royal Family
Child Runes: Dawn, Twilight

The Sun Rune is the treasured possession of the Queendom of Falena. Previously belonging to the Ancient Armes Kingdom, the Rune requires the bearer to also possess the Dawn Rune and the Twilight Rune, which are related but not True Runes, to avoid the side effects of the Rune. However, the king of Armes, at the time, did not possess the two other Runes and began to go insane, eventually causing the destruction of the land to a barren wasteland. When the Queendom of Falena came into existence the land was nurtured back to fertility by the power of the Rune, the Runes of Dawn and Twilight were kept in palaces near Sol Falena, with the Sun Rune itself kept in the Sun Palace proper. Much later, the Rune of Dawn was stolen, during which time Arshtat Falenas took the Sun Rune onto her own body and used it against the town of Lordlake, essentially destroying the land to end a growing rebellion. As the Rune of Dawn was never returned, Arshtat was slowly driven insane by the Rune. She died during a violent coup, whose executors attempted to use the Rune themselves to enforce their control over Falena--while the Queen's son raised an army to stop them. After a long civil war the Rune was recovered, And is now housed in Sun Palace with the Dawn and Twilight Runes along side it.

Although he technically never bore the Sun Rune, Marscal was able to translate Sindar texts and is able to draw power from the rune.

[edit] True Earth Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Sasarai
Child Runes: Earth, Mother Earth

The True Earth Rune is possessed by the Bishop Sasarai of Harmonia. The Rune is one of Harmonia's enslaved runes, with Sasarai serving as a cloned host. In 475 of the Solar Calendar, the True Earth Rune was briefly stolen by the Bishop Luc, though it was later recovered from a Sindar ritual site.

[edit] True Fire Rune

Previous Bearers: The Flame Champion
Current Bearer: Hugo
Child Runes: Fire, Rage

The True Fire Rune was once possessed by the hero of the grasslands, the Flame Champion, circa 425 of the Solar Calendar. During the Harmonian-Grasslands War, the Flame Champion lost control of the Rune and caused a fire which raged across the Grasslands, decimiating both the Harmonian Regular Army and the allied forces of the Grassland Clans. The aftermath of this caused Harmonia to sign a secret fifty year peace treaty. At the end of the peace treaty, it became apparent that the previous Flame Champion had given up his True Rune and elected to live out the rest of his days with his wife. In Suikoden III three different people can eventually become the bearer of the True Fire Rune, Hugo, Geddoe or Chris Lightfellow. In the novelization, Hugo, the son of the Karayan Chief at the time, accepted the responsibilities of the Rune and led a united army of Zexen, Grasslanders and Harmonians against the Bishop Luc. (It should be noted that official artwork of the time displays Hugo with the Rune, marking him as the official bearer). Briefly during the war, the new Flame Champion lost the Rune, but recovered it just prior to engaging with Luc in battle.

[edit] True Lightning Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown, Geddoe (if the player selects him to be the Flame Champion, the rune will shift to Hugo. But in the novel, Geddoe remained its bearer)
Current Bearer: Geddoe, Hugo (Geddoe in the Novel)
Child Runes: Lightning, Thunder

The True Lightning Rune was once a treasure of the nation of Harmonia. Exactly how Geddoe came to possess the Rune is unknown; it is possible he was once a member of the elite that held the Runes for Harmonia or even that he stole it from its previous bearer. Whatever the case, he would escape Harmonia with the Rune and would lend his power to the Fire Bringer, under the commander of the Flame Champion, in the war against Harmonia. After the battle, he sealed the True Rune in his body, revealing its existence fifty years later when he served the new Flame Champion. He briefly lost the Rune to the Bishop Luc, but later recovered it at a Sindar ritual site.

[edit] True Water Rune

Previous Bearers: Wyatt Lightfellow
Current Bearer: Chris Lightfellow, Hugo (Chris in the Novel)
Child Runes: Water, Flowing

The True Water Rune first entered history in the hands of a man known as Wyatt Lightfellow. During the Flame Champion's war against Harmonia, Wyatt used the powers of the Rune to assist the Fire Bringer against Harmonia. After the end of that war, Wyatt visited numerous locations, sealing the Rune to prevent its misuse and potential capture by Harmonia. Wyatt would later try to reclaim the Rune under the name Jimba to protect it from Luc, but was seriously injured when the power of the Rune was unleashed at the last of the seal sites. When Wyatt perished, the Rune was taken by his daughter, Chris Lightfellow, who chose to assist the new Flame Champion. Although the Rune was briefly captured by the sorceress Sarah, Chris would recover it from a Sindar ritual site.

[edit] True Wind Rune

Previous Bearers: Luc
Current Bearer: Unknown
Child Runes: Wind, Cyclone

The True Wind Rune is the only elemental rune currently unaccounted for. The Rune was stolen from Harmonia when the bearer, a young boy named Luc, was kidnapped from Crystal Valley. Aside from the control of the wind, the Rune is capable of being used for minor summoning, as its bearer, Luc, was charged with protecting the Magician's Island using it (it is possible that this summoning, however, was done using a Pale Gate Rune which Luc was later shown to possess). Luc would use the Rune only once before leaving Magician's Island for good: when he used it to wipe out a unit of Harmonian soldiers interfering in the Dunan Unification War, causing the Bishop Sasarai to retreat from the location of that particular battle. In 475 of the Solar Calendar, he sought to destroy the Rune using the power of the other four elemental True Runes. However, thanks to the new Flame Champion, Hugo, and his Fire Bringer, Luc was stopped. The ruins where the ritual was occurring were destroyed after the final battle, and Luc perished. The current whereabouts of the Rune are unknown.

[edit] Rune of Change

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Unknown/ leader of the Sindar clan
Child Runes: Unknown

This True Rune represents and embodies change throughout the universe. The Rune's whereabouts and powers still remain a mystery. It is however said that the Leader of the Sindar bears this rune on his head, apparently forcing the Sindar to move from place to place as a curse. It is also said that the Sindar eventually came to rest at a place called the "Eternal City”. The Rune of Change allows the inhabitants of the Suikoden World to grow and adapt. The rune in nature retains the balance of the Suikoden world to allow its growth and development.

[edit] Other Runes

In the Suikoden series many other runes have appeared often as one offs which show no connection to known true runes. These runes may provide a hint as to what other true runes may exist however it could also be that many are not actually runes at all but are merely classed as such due to gameplay mechanics. 'Other runes' include

[edit] Godspeed Rune - True Holy Rune

Previous Bearers: Cedric, Cathari
Current Bearer: Stallion

A unique rune that gifts it’s bearer with tremendous speed of movement. Chronologically, it’s first known owner was a young boy from the Island Nations called Cedric, who claims to have been born with it. Approximately a century and a half later, a member of the Howling Voice Guild named Cathari had it in her possession, and it was last seen with the wandering elf Stallion.

The translation of this rune’s name is a matter of great confusion for most fans, particularly those who mistake it for a True Rune. The original term comes from Dai Zhong, a character in the Water Margin novel on which the Suikoden universe is loosely based. Dai Zhong was said to posses a method that allowed him to travel through great distances in a small amount of time. The original Japanese term for this rune could be loosely translated as “Truly Divine Transportation Method”, which became “True Holy” in the first, second and fourth games. During Suikoden III, the term appears not in a rune, but in a skill as “Holy Dash”, and Suikoden Tactics had both a “True Godspeed” and the lesser “Godspeed” (What has the regular Holy Rune is Suikoden I) as skills. Suikoden V finally employed “Godspeed Rune” again, although this time in reference to the higher rune and making no mention of it’s lesser form.

[edit] Blinking Rune

Previous Bearers: Unknown
Current Bearer: Viki

The Blinking Rune has appeared with Viki in every game of the Suikoden series and using it Viki can teleport herself and/or the players party to previously visited towns. The Blinking Rune is often speculated to be a True Rune, however this has not been confirmed or denied by Konami.Feeding the speculation is the fact that Viki appears across the whole series despite the century long gap between Suikoden IV and the others. However, there is evidence that Viki merely disappears from time and space for periods of time- in Suikoden II when she teleports in front of the player for the first time she comments that the last thing she remembers was the victory celebrations from the end of Suikoden, backing this up is the fact that Viki also appears as a child in Suikoden III and Suikogaiden Vol. II. Also against this is the fact that it is possible to acquire a second Blinking Rune in Suikoden II in the ninja hamlet of Rokkaku.

[edit] References and External links

Suikoden series by Konami
Suikoden | Suikoden II | Suikoden III | Suikoden IV | Suikoden V
Spinoffs and related games
Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 1 | Genso Suikogaiden Vol. 2 | Card Stories | Suikoden Tactics
Genso Suikoden I&II
108 Stars of Destiny | Notable Suikoden characters (non-SoD) | Other characters
27 True Runes | Geography
In other languages