From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (sometimes also, perhaps incorrectly, referred to as ""; see etymology) may have been, at one time, a subspecies of Wikipedian which featured characteristicly large ears and an abnormal skin-colour. Assumingly born during some point in time1, may or may not currently be located at on a remote island facility in the Himalaya. Although born and raised in Canada, was apparently harassed by sadistic polar bears as a child and has since developed a unique, almost anomalistic, fear of polarbears (polarbearophobia).
Upon departure of Canada to the Himalaya, was quoted teaching Australian-vacationers about the dangers of Canada. had "invented" multiple useful techniques to ward off Canadian polar bears; many have been spread Canada-wide and are now used by Canadians all over the country. For example, was the first to suggest the Canadians should take the garbage out of their igloos during the night, rather than the day. may have also contibuted to the building of the first apartment complex in Canada in 1998. Although enjoying his life in the Himalaya, could not forget about his home-country and frequently sent suggestive letters to prime-minister Jean Poutine in the hopes of raising Canadian's quality-of-life. Although previously unsuccessful,'s letter on May 1, 1997 regarding apartment complexes prompted a reply from Poutine, in which Poutine wrote the following:
- Hey baby. What are you wearing?
This letter clearly confirms that did have something to do with the complex's construction.
[edit] See Also
[edit] References
- "Who knows?".The Guardian, 26 October 2004.
- "Wiki wars". Red Herring, 14 October 2004.
- "Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds". Slashdot, 28 July 2004.
- Boyd, Dana. "Academia and Wikipedia". Corante, 4 January 2005.
- Ciffolilli, Andrea. "Phantom authority, self-selective recruitment and retention of members in virtual communities: The case of Wikipedia". First Monday, December 2003.
- Lih, Andrew. "Wikipedia as Participatory Journalism: Reliable Sources? Metrics for evaluating collaborative media as a news resource" (Cache). 5th International Symposium on Online Journalism, April 2004.
- McHenry, Robert. "The Faith-Based Encyclopedia". Tech Central Station, 15 November 2004.
- Mook, Nate. "Google Offers to Host Wikipedia" BetaNews, 11 February 2005.
- Naughton, John. "Why encyclopaedic row speaks volumes about the old guard ". The Guardian, 9 January 2005.
- Sanger, Larry. "Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias". Kuro5hin, 25 July 2001.
- Reagle, Joseph. "A Case of Mutual Aid: Wikipedia, Politeness, and Perspective Taking".
- Snow, Michael. "Wikipedia accused of being source for Washington Post error". Wikipedia Signpost, 14 February 2005.
- Udell, Jon. "Heavy Metal Umlaut: The Making of the Movie". O'Reilly Network, 7 February 2005.
- Udell, Jon. "Heavy metal umlaut: the movie". Accessed 15 February 2005.
- Viegas, Fernanda B., Wattenberg, Martin, and Dave, Kushal. "Studying Cooperation and Conflict between Authors with history flow Visualizations" CHI 2004 April 24-29, 2004. Preliminary report "History Flow" available on IBM website.
- Frank, Anne. The Diary of Anne Frank.
[edit] External links
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