12th century in literature
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See also: 11th century in literature, 13th century in literature, list of years in literature.
The twelfth century saw an explosion in the production of latin texts and a proliferation of literate clerics from the multiplying cathedral schools. At the same time, vernacular literatures ranging from Provençal to Icelandic embodied in lyric and romance an increasingly self-conscious and prosperous courtly aristocracy. These two trends contributed to a sweeping revival of letters with a lasting influence on the development of literature in the following centuries.
Contents |
[edit] Histories
- early 12th c. Gesta Francorum
- 1108 Dei gesta per Francos by Guibert of Nogent
- c. 1136 Historia Regum Britanniae by Geoffrey of Monmouth
- 1113 Chronicle of Nestor
- 1122-1154 Peterborough Chronicle
- early 12th c. Íslendingabók
- ca. 1140 Chronicon Roskildense
- ca. 1170 Chronicon Lethrense
- 1171 Chronicon Slavorum by Adam of Bremen
- 1190s Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja
- late 12th c. Gesta Danorum by Saxo Grammaticus
- Brevis Historia Regum Dacie by Sven Aggesen
- Annales Lundenses
- Historia rerum in partibus transmarinis gestarum by William of Tyre
[edit] Philosophy/Theology
- c. 1120 Sic et Non by Pierre Abélard
- ca. 1150 - The Four Books of Sentences (Libri Quattuor Sententiarum) by Peter Lombard
- c. 1160 Policraticus by John of Salisbury
[edit] Biography/Hagiography
- c. 1124 Vita Anselmi (life of Anselm of Canterbury) by Eadmer
[edit] Epic/Saga/Chanson du Geste
- 1148 Alexiad by Anna Komnene
- ca. 1180 Chanson d'Antioche
- late 12th c. Táin Bó Cúailnge
- late 12th c. The Tale of Igor's Campaign
- ca. 1200 Nibelungenlied
- Digenis Acritas
- Metrical Dindshenchas
- Poetic Edda, possibly by Sæmundr fróði
- ca. 12th c. The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli
- ca. 12th c. Mabinogion
- Chanson de Jerusalem
[edit] Romance
[edit] Drama
[edit] Lyric
- late 12th c. Lais by Marie de France
- 1150s-60s lyrics (goliardic poetry) by the Archpoet of Cologne