
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

{{ {{{1}}}}}

{{ 123|text|txt1...|...txt3}} gives {{ text|txt1...|...txt3}}

{{123}} imitates the output of Template:Evaldemo (edit talk links history) and various other templates for arbitrary text, or in other words text doesn't need to be a template and isn't shown as link.

123 is a mnemonic, &#123; has roughly the same effect as <nowiki>{</nowiki> in places where simply using "{" isn't possible, and it's also a hint that more than three additional strings txt1 up to txt aren't supported (just to keep the code simple).

Optional substitution {{ subst:123|text|txt1...tx3|subst=subst: }} is supported. Normal substitution {{ subst:123 }} substitutes the code, useful to create similar templates without calling 123, otherwise a bad idea.