
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello and welcome to my page fellow Wikipedians. My name is Johnny Knoxville welcome to Jackass(real name Michael Jurkowski). My hobbies include sports and video games. I hope to one day become a doctor and help people with their health care problems. I also would like to make some fascinating health care discoveries.

Wikipedia was an option for me so that I can learn a lot more than I already do. Also to go beyond the knowledge I should have. I also enjoy posting things on the internet.

In the future I think more people should use wikipedia. I think it is a great way to learn a lot. It is also a good way to stay away from loss of money and loss of time when searching for information.


This user comes from Poland.
Image:43px-Canada Maple Leaf.PNG This user is a citizen of Canada.
This user's favorite color is gra y.
This user is male.
This user owns goldfish.
This user plays football with hands only when tending goals.
trpt-3 This user is an advanced trumpeter.
PS2 This user prefers the PlayStation 2 over the GameCube and Xbox.
This user obsessively drinks lots of Water and can be considered Aquaholic.
This user does not smoke.
This user plays the guitar.
band-3 This user loves the band Guns N Roses.
This user enjoys rock music.